Energy From Waste : WP3.2 - System Model Development Report
Donegan, S., Kearney, J., Repalle, J. and Van Romunde, Z. Energy From Waste : WP3.2 - System Model Development Report, ETI, 2010. Cite this using DataCite
Donegan, S., Kearney, J., Repalle, J. and Van Romunde, Z.
Project partner(s)
Caterpillar, Electricité de France SA (EDF SA), Cranfield University, Centre of Process and Innovation
This deliverable is number 2 of 3 in Work Package 3 and describes the work carried out to October 2010 in the development of the component technology and systems models. The report summarises the development work done to integrate into a single system level model the individual component technology models for each of the main pre-processing, processing, post-processing and power generation components which may be expected to comprise an end to end energy from waste system. The development work is based on both literature and test results from the Energy from Waste project, detailed in deliverable 2.2.