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Content held in the EDC

The system holds four types of content:
  • Data - a collection of energy-related datasets. Some are curated here at the Energy Data Centre and there are links to others held elsewhere. Some datasets have restricted access, and you will need to register to use them.
  • Projects - this contains information about publically funded research in energy derived from a range of funding bodies.
  • Publications - a collection of grey literature (ie not formally published) from a wide variety of sources
  • Visualisations- a collection of visual tools for understanding large datasets

All content in the system can be searched from the main screen, apart from Visualisations. The results can then be filtered by Energy Category. Results are classified by their content types: Data, Projects or Publications. For more specialised searches or browses, use the Data, Project or Publication options from the navigation bar.

The EDC holds four types of content: Data, Projects, Publications and Visualisations. Details of where they are sourced from and how we treat them is described here

15th July 2024

Find out more about the additional subject information which is added to content in the EDC

15th July 2024

Last updated 15th July 2024