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The Energy Data Centre is a hub for publically funded energy research in the UK. It holds information on energy projects, publications and gives access to research datasets.

image for blog post titled: New EDC publications searching interface released

The EDC publication search and browse functionality has been updated and enhanced to give a better user experience. Publications from different parts of the system have been brought together to form a single discovery service which gives access to over 1600 reports, consultation responses and other material from the UK Energy Research Centre, the Energy Technologies Institute and other projects. Publications can be browsed by energy category, subject and document type and there is comprehensive search functionality. Results can be filtered by these categories and dates.


image for blog post titled: Spatial and Temporal Heat Demand and Energy Consumption: Visualisation

Access to a new interactive data visualisation available from our Visualisations tab. The Centre for Integrated Renewable Energy Generation and Supply (CIREGS) at Cardiff Universitys School of Engineering was established in 2008 as a multidisciplinary engineering research group with international expertise in the supply, transmission and demand of energy and as a result of recent academic and industry projects have developed methodology for estimating spatial and temporal heat demand and energy consumption for heating in England & Wales, along with a database that includes heat demand time series for Lower layer Super Output Areas (LSOAs) across England & Wales.


image for blog post titled: CREDS/UKERC Data Sharing in Energy Consortia workshop

A recent CREDS/ UKERC Data Sharing Workshop, gathered system stakeholders together to discuss how to improve data sharing in the energy research community. Publishers, data managers, research centre managers, funders and researchers were invited to the expert workshop to reflect on the lessons learned by CREDS and UKERC, add their own lessons and make a series of recommendations. The final report and the briefing note are now available for downloading.


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Data records managed and curated by the EDC


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Publications curated and managed by the EDC


Publications managed and held elsewhere