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Projects: Summary of Projects by Region
Region Funded (not yet started) Started Completed Total Total
£ Value

Yorkshire & Humberside 0 74 636 710 £533,380,881
North West 1 73 574 648 £640,349,234
West Midlands 0 65 404 469 £525,419,484
East Midlands 0 54 416 470 £498,729,452
East of England 2 55 538 595 £397,564,280
South East 0 107 970 1077 £1,339,376,794
South West 2 69 476 547 £442,937,146
Wales 2 38 298 338 £258,437,233
Scotland 1 94 869 964 £952,085,853
Northern Ireland 0 8 61 69 £36,349,404
Isle of Man 0 0 0 0 £0
Channel Islands 0 0 1 1 £168,554
London 2 220 1864 2086 £1,784,245,629
China 0 0 6 6 £1,524,707
Overseas 0 0 33 33 £21,722,728
North East 1 47 281 329 £273,695,855

Totals 11 904 7429 8344 £7,637,394,684

The table above shows information on all organisations based in the region selected who are contributing to projects, however the totals are for projects whose PI is based in that region

All values rounded to nearest pound