Abstract |
This report is the final report in work package 2. It summarises the results from the testing carried out within the project into the Anaerobic Digestion (AD) and thermal processing (pyrolysis and gasification) of selected waste feeds, i.e. competing technologies against which mass incineration should be assessed. The objective of the Distributed Energy (DE) Programme is to increase the up-take of DE through the development of integrated systems in order to reduce through-life costs, improve ease of installation and increase efficiency in the combined generation of heat and electricity. Within this programme framework the Energy from Waste project seeks to quantify the opportunity for the use of UK Waste arisings as a fuel to be used in the combined generation of heat and electricity.The UK generates around 330 million tonnes of waste per annum, of which around 90 million tonnes is energy-bearing. Government legislation seeks to incentivise the diversion of waste from landfill through the existing landfill tax and landfill diversion targets. In parallel the UK is committed to reducing its GHG emissions by 80% by 2050 and supplying 15% of its energy demands from renewable sources by 2020. These drivers lead to a requirement for technology solutions which enable wastes to be used as a cost effective, low carbon and indigenous energy resource for the UK. The Energy from Waste FRP was commissioned to address these requirements and identify potential opportunities for a large scale demonstration project. |