Abstract |
This deliverable is number 2 of 2 in Work Package 4. It represents the final deliverable for the Energy from Waste FRP, namely the benefits case for Energy from Waste in the UK. As such it addresses - The opportunity for Energy from Waste in the UK
- Makes recommendations regarding Technology Development Opportunities needed to take advantage of the opportunities identified.
The report is based upon the deliverables from each of the preceding work packages: - WP1: UK Waste arisings
- WP2: Technology Assessment
- WP3: System Modelling
The emissions and economic benefits of the deployment of energy from waste systems which are able to maximise the efficient use of locally occurring residual waste resources is currently hampered by a number of technical barriers. This project has identified target areas of work suitable for ETI funding to overcome these barriers, and thereby enable the demonstration, and eventual commercial deployment, of these technologies. Specifically, the areas which require further development are: - Distributed scale advanced thermal integrated systems for wastes
- Cost effective gasification gas clean-up, in accordance with a system solution
- Low cost, high efficiency distributed scale integrated AD systems
- Integrated distributed energy from waste facilities incorporating: thermal and AD technologies to maximise resource efficiency.