Energy From Waste : WP4.2 - UK Benefit Case Report - Syn Gas for Grid Injection
Donegan, S. and Hillier, G. Energy From Waste : WP4.2 - UK Benefit Case Report - Syn Gas for Grid Injection, ETI, 2011. Cite this using DataCite
This report has been produced by the Centre for Process Innovation (CPI) for the Energy Technologies Institute’s (ETI) Energy from Waste (EFW) Project that forms part of the ETI Distributed Energy Programme. The project is of a small series of supporting pieces of work that augment the full project reports. This report outlines the opportunity for using syngas produced from the gasification wastes for the injection into the national grid. Natural gas imports to the UK have increased constantly over the last decade, from a net negative value of 100 TWh in 2000 to net positive value of 400 TWh in 2010, while the natural gas production has fallen to 675 TWh from 1200 TWh in the same time period. Syngas from a gasification process of waste has been identified as a potential fuel in some domestic or industrial scenarios similar to the use of Towns Gas in the UK pre 1972. This report looks at the potential for waste to syngas for grid injection by looking at the available technologies and their state of technology readiness. It also considers the scale of operation required for these types of plants and draws on the economic models developed for the core project to explore potential returns.