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The Energy Data Centre is a hub for publically funded energy research in the UK. It holds information on energy projects, publications and gives access to research datasets.

image for blog post titled: New Collection: the outputs of the Centre for Research into Energy Demand Solutions

The Centre for Research into Energy Demand Solutions (CREDS) ran from 2018 to 2023. Their research demonstrated how reductions in energy use are essential for the transition to a fair, zero-carbon society. With agreement from the CREDS team, the EDC have curated the publications and gathered together information on CREDS outputs into a new Collection to aid in the discovery of the outputs of this research Centre.


image for blog post titled: P114 data updated

The P114 dataset supplied by Elexon has accurate data on the balancing and settling of the UK electricity market. The Energy Data Centre gives access to the data to a group of universities who have signed an agreement. Every quarter the EDC team download and process the data and this has been done in July for data up to 30/06/2024.


image for blog post titled: New EDC publications searching interface released

The EDC publication search and browse functionality has been updated and enhanced to give a better user experience. Publications from different parts of the system have been brought together to form a single discovery service which gives access to over 1600 reports, consultation responses and other material from the UK Energy Research Centre, the Energy Technologies Institute and other projects. Publications can be browsed by energy category, subject and document type and there is comprehensive search functionality. Results can be filtered by these categories and dates.


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Data records managed and curated by the EDC


Individual data records managed and held elsewhere


Data collections managed and held elsewhere

Recent additions

The Determinants of Double Energy Vulnerability: A Geospatial Analysis, 2011-2024

Fuel and Transport Poverty in the UK Energy Transition, 2022

Increasing Wellbeing Through Energy Demand Reduction: Citizen Perceptions of Local Measures in Greater Brighton and North of Tyne Regions, UK, 2022-2023 Details

Expectations for Automated Vehicles, 2018-2023

Digitalisation, Dematerialisation and Decarbonisation of the Global Economy in Historical Perspective: The Relationship Between Energy and Information, 1850-2019

Brexit, Energy, and Climate Change - Survey Results -2021

Enabling smart local energy systems - Innovate UK insights and outcomes resource

Results for article Meeting the costs of decarbonising industry - the potential effects on prices and competitiveness (a case study of the UK)

Annual Gas and Electricity Consumption at Meter Level, Great Britain, 2004-2022

Energy Systems Catapult Datasets

High Energy Consumers, the Excess Project: Qualitative Data, 2018-2023

Consumer Demand for Blockchain-Enabled Peer-to-Peer Electricity Trading in the United Kingdom: An Online Survey Experiment, 2018

Document Analysis of Expectations of Green 5G in the UK, 2010-2021

Baseline Food Refrigeration Emissions in the UK, 2019-2020

Interviews with actors concerned with local transport decarbonisation in the UK, 2018-2023

Heat supply potential data from boreholes

UKERC Modelling of Low Carbon Transition Risk

SP Energy Networks 'Flexible Networks' Electricity Distribution System Measurements

UK Energy Storage Observatory

Emissions from NAEI large point sources - UK manufacturing sector

Domestic Washing Machine - Number of wash cycles per annum

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Publications curated and managed by the EDC


Publications managed and held elsewhere

Recent additions

Industrial Strategy and the Low Carbon Supply Chain Challenge

UK Gas Security: Managing Energy Security Challenges and Transition Risks

Impact Case Studies, 2019-2024

Where Next for SMEs and Net Zero?

Shifting the focus: energy demand in a net-zero carbon UK

Environmental Audit Committee - technological innovation & climate change: heat pumps

Resource efficiency scenarios for the UK: A technical report

Reverse gear: The reality and implications of national transport emission reduction policies

Scottish Government consultation on its draft Heat in Buildings Strategy

Shared mobility - where now, where next?

BEIS Select Committee inquiry on decarbonising heat in homes

Shifting the focus: energy demand in a net-zero carbon UK Report highlights

Strategy and policy statement for energy policy in Great Britain: CREDS response

Summary of findings from heat pump flexibility expert workshop

The distributional effects of pathways to net-zero and the implications for fuel and transport poverty

The energy price crisis - issues for energy use

The role of energy demand reduction in achieving net-zero in the UK

The role of energy demand reduction in achieving net-zero in the UK: Materials and products

The role of energy demand reduction in achieving net-zero in the UK: Nutrition

The role of energy demand reduction in achieving net-zero in the UK: Transport and mobility

A data strategy to promote the clean growth of UK industries. The role of data in accelerating positive change for industry and the environment

The story of condensing boiler market transformation - a briefing note for BEIS

APPG on diversity & inclusion - call for evidence on equity in the STEM workforce

At a crossroads: Travel adaptations during Covid-19 restrictions and where next?

Flexible and responsive energy retail markets: putting consumers at the centre of a smart, low carbon energy system

BEIS select committee inquiry on financing energy infrastructure: consultation response

Briefing: Industrial decarbonisation policies for a UK net zero target

Building a zero-carbon economy - call for evidence

Building decarbonisation transition pathways: initial reflections

Building on our strengths: a market transformation approach to energy retrofit in UK homes

Catalysing net-zero retrofit: feasibility of an innovative salary sacrifice scheme

Climate action, city regions and central government: a comparative analysis of the UK City Deals

Consultation: Future Homes Standard - changes to Part L and Part F of the Building Regulations for new dwellings

Consumer network access, core capacity

Climate action, city regions and central government: a comparative analysis of the UK City Deals – summary

Consultation on sustainable tourism: impacts of tourism and travel on the environment and how these can be reduced

Consultation on the Fuel Poverty Strategy for England

CREDS Annual Report: October 2020 to September 2021

Consultation: connecting Oxford consultation

DfT Consultation - ending the sale of new petrol, diesel and hybrid cars and vans

Consultation: developing a national food strategy - call for evidence

Consultation: facilitating energy efficiency in the electricity system

Covid-19 Transport, Travel and Social Adaptation Study: Understanding behaviour change with neighbourhood characteristics

Creating a clean steel fund: call for evidence

CREDS Annual Report: April 2018–September 2019

CREDS Annual Report: October 2019–September 2020

Vulnerability to fuel and transport poverty

CREDS Annual Report: October 2021 to September 2022

Curbing excess: high energy consumption and the fair energy transition

Decarbonising transport: Accelerating the uptake of electric vehicles

Decarbonising transport: Climate smart parking policies

Decarbonising transport: Getting carbon ambition right

Decarbonising transport: Growing cycle use

Decarbonising transport: The role of buses

Decarbonising transport: The role of land use, localisation and accessibility

Decarbonising transport: Travelling less and the role of online opportunities

Demand response: success isn't just about numbers

Department for Transport consultation - Jet zero: our strategy for net zero aviation

e-bike carbon savings - how much and where?

EDRC & CREDS response to Ofgem consultation: Engaging domestic consumers in energy flexibility

Energy efficiency schemes for small and medium sized businesses: consultation response

Energy Networks Association - Flexibility Consultation 2020

Heating our homes - CREDS Response to ESNZ Select Committee Inquiry

Energy Performance Certificates in buildings consultation response

Energy related products - call for evidence

Environmental Audit Committee - technological innovation & climate change: community energy

Environmental Audit Committee (House of Commons) inquiry on energy efficiency of existing homes

Equality Diversity and Inclusion: Report to CREDS Executive on the implementation of the EDI Plan

Evaluation Report: CREDS early career researcher Flexible Fund call

Evidence to the House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee inquiry into net zero aviation and shipping

Evidence to the Lords Environmental and Climate Change Committee on Mobilising action on climate change and environment: behaviour change

Flexibility workshop - Jordans YHA

Future of transport regulatory review

Future support for low carbon heat

Heat pumps - five Government actions to accelerate deployment

Heating with steam methane reformed hydrogen - a survey of the emissions, security and cost implications of heating with hydrogen produced from natural gas

HM Treasury: Consultation on aviation tax reform

House of Commons Transport Committee: inquiry on zero emissions vehicles and road pricing

House of Lords Covid Committee: inquiry into the long-term impact of the pandemic on the UK's towns and cities

Industrial decarbonisation policies for a UK net zero target

Introducing a performance-based policy Framework in large commercial and industrial buildings in England and Wales.

Policy for energy demand reduction

Less is more: Changing travel in a post-pandemic society

Local Green New Deals: A transformative plan for achieving the UK's climate, social and economic goals locally

Positive low energy futures

Macro-economic impacts of green policies in the Economic Recovery Package post-Covid

More and better homes - the opportunity of self-build

Net Zero Review: call for evidence

Options for accelerating retrofit rates in the domestic owner-occupier sector

Patchy coverage: New CREDS study finds a number of 'blackspots' in the publicly available evidence base on the energy use impacts of 5G

Technologies for meeting Clean Growth emissions reduction targets inquiry: consultation response

Policy options for a net zero emissions UK steel sector

Recovery from health, energy, and economic shocks requires better understanding of our responses to the dynamics of all three

Reducing the UK's food footprint: Demand-side action for more palatable food emissions

Report: At a crossroads - travel adaptations during Covid-19 restrictions and where next?

Planning Works: Local Energy Planning to Accelerate Net Zero

Whole Systems Networking Fund: Working to Improve Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Across Energy Research

Policy, Risk and Investment in UK Offshore Wind Capacity

What is the Carbon Footprint of Digital Healthcare?

Local Governance, the Circular Economy and Household Waste: A Practice Theory Approach to Waste Minimisation

Modern Methods of Construction for Net Zero Housing: Implications from the Social Sciences and Humanities

Watt-er Conservation: Conversations on Energy Use in Water Services

Social Science Approaches to Understanding the Implications of a Net Zero Transformation of Society

Just Parking: Fair and Sustainable Travel Policies for Large Organisations

Bristol City Leap: A Novel Finance and Public Procurement Model for Delivering Net Zero

Improving Data Sharing in Energy Consortia: Summary of Workshop Outputs

CREDS/UKERC Data sharing workshop briefing note

Mapping the Landscape of Public Attitudes Towards Low-Carbon Heating Technologies

Review of Energy Policy 2023

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