Citation |
Cook, P., Smith, R., Davies, P. and Lake, D. Building Supply Chain for Mass Refurbishment of Houses : Sustainable Supply - Chain Final summary report (WP4 D8), ETI, 2013. Cite this using DataCite |
Abstract |
This project looked at designing a supply chain solution to improve the energy efficiency of the vast majority of the 26 million UK homes which will still be in use by 2050.It looked to identify ways in which the refurbishment and retrofitting of existing residential properties can be accelerated by industrialising the processes of design, supply and implementation, while stimulating demand from householders by exploiting additional opportunities that come with extensive building refurbishment.The project developed a top-to-bottom process, using a method of analysing the most cost-effective package of measures suitable for a particular property, through to how these will be installed with the minimum disruption to the householder. This includes identifying the skills required of the people on the ground as well as the optimum material distribution networks to supply them with exactly what is required and when.
Work Package 4 has developed a system design proposal for a highly effective, domestic retrofit supply chain with minimal waste. The proposal is capable of delivering mass retrofit to reduce energy consumption across the UK housing stock for all tenures.
This report summarises the supply chain outputs from the 2 year research project andpresents a hypothesis on how a supply chain could be configured to deliver retrofit viably at scale. The outputs have been peer reviewed across industry and run in parallel to the development of theGreen Deal model and although the two approaches tackle different aspects of retrofit they are supportive of one another.
This is the final deliverable in Work Package 4. The appendices are not available. Please note this report was produced in 2011/2012 and its contents may be out of date. |