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Natural Hazards Phase 3: Volume 6: Coastal Flooding

Citation Electricité de France SA (EDF SA) Natural Hazards Phase 3: Volume 6: Coastal Flooding, ETI, 2018. https://doi.org/10.5286/UKERC.EDC.000772.
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Author(s) Electricité de France SA (EDF SA)
Project partner(s) Electricité de France SA (EDF SA), Met Office, Mott Macdonald
Publisher ETI
DOI https://doi.org/10.5286/UKERC.EDC.000772
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Abstract The Natural Hazards Review project will develop a framework and best practice approach to characterise natural hazards and seek to improve methodologies where current approaches are inefficient. This is to improve energy system infrastructure design and the project is intended to share knowledge of natural hazards across sectors. The project will be completed in three stages. Phase one will focus on a gap analysis. Phase two will look at developing a series of improved methodologies from the gaps identified in phase one, and phase three will demonstrate how to apply these methodologies. Finally, phase 3 will develop a “how to” guide for use by project engineers.

Coastal flooding is a natural phenomenon which is capable of devastating coastal towns, infrastructure, and regional economies.The UK coastline is one of the longest in Europe and is constantly evolving and shifting over time. It is varied in geography and habitats. The coastline is relatively easily accessible to the UK population; nowhere in the UK is more than 120 km from the coast. A single coastal flooding event can have a widespread impact.

This technical volume addresses:
  • Introduction
  • Description of the main phenomena
  • Observations, measurements techniques and modelling tools
  • Methodologies
  • Related phenomena, where coastal flooding is related to extreme weather events (e.g. high winds/hurricanes) and seismic and geological events (e.g. earthquakes and landslides leading to tsunamis)
  • Regulation
  • Emerging trends

Associated Project(s) ETI-ST2011: Review of Natural Hazards
Associated Dataset(s) No associated datasets
Associated Publication(s)

Natural Hazards Phase 3: Case Study 1: Trawsfynydd

Natural Hazards Phase 3: Case Study 2: Dounreay

Natural Hazards Phase 3: Case Study 3: Hunterston

Natural Hazards Phase 3: Case Study 4: Teesmouth

Natural Hazards Phase 3: Case Study 5: Cottam

Natural Hazards Phase 3: Characterisation Technical Volumes and Case Studies - Presentation from Launch Event, 12 November 2018

Natural Hazards Phase 3: Volume 10: Space Weather

Natural Hazards Phase 3: Volume 11: Marine Biological Fouling

Natural Hazards Phase 3: Volume 12: Hazard Combinations

Natural Hazards Phase 3: Volume 1: Introduction to the Technical Volumes and Case Studies

Natural Hazards Phase 3: Volume 2: Extreme High and Low Air Temperature

Natural Hazards Phase 3: Volume 3: Extreme Wind

Natural Hazards Phase 3: Volume 4: Extreme Precipitation

Natural Hazards Phase 3: Volume 5: River Flooding

Natural Hazards Phase 3: Volume 7: Seismic, Volcanic and Geological Hazards

Natural Hazards Phase 3: Volume 8: Hail

Natural Hazards Phase 3: Volume 9: Lightning

Natural Hazards Review - Annexe to main report documenting hazards in tabular form

Natural Hazards Review - Presentation - Review of Natural Hazards Project

Natural Hazards Review - Request for Proposals

Natural Hazards Review - Review of Natural hazard characterisation methodologies