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Biomass to Power with CCS - Development and Deployment Opportunities Assessment AND Technology and Demonstration Benefits Assessment

Citation The TESBiC consortium Biomass to Power with CCS - Development and Deployment Opportunities Assessment AND Technology and Demonstration Benefits Assessment, ETI, 2012. https://doi.org/10.5286/UKERC.EDC.000020.
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Author(s) The TESBiC consortium
Project partner(s) CMCL Innovations, The University of Cambridge, Doosan, Drax, EDF, E4Tech, Imperial College London, The University of Leeds
Publisher ETI
DOI https://doi.org/10.5286/UKERC.EDC.000020
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Abstract TESBiC: Techno-Economic Study of Biomass to power with CCS. This report, the final deliverable from the project, contains both the Development and Deployment Opportunity Assessment and the Technology and Demonstration Benefits Assessment. The report covers all eight technologies selected for detailed investigation. Dedicated biomass chemical looping combustion and to a lesser extent cofired carbonate looping came out as two of the more attractive biomass CCS technology combinations for possible development and demonstration in the UK. This was due to their attractive prospects in terms of offering relatively high efficiency and low capex at a range of scales, the significant level of existing UK expertise (at least at the academic level), and most importantly, the potential for first mover advantage to make a significant impact in the IP space, given the size of the budget available toETI.

However, there are several technical hurdles to be overcome in the development and scale-up of the two looping technologies, and large uncertainties attached to the cost estimates considered in this study.

The TESBiC consortium recommends the following UK technology demonstration for consideration: A flexible pilot plant with dual inter-connected circulating fluidized bed (CFB) reactors, suitable for investigating, testing and demonstrating primarily chemical looping combustion, but that can also be used to test and demonstrate post-combustion carbonate looping capture, as well as oxy-fuel combustion of biomass
Associated Project(s) ETI-BI2001: Techno-Economic Study of Biomass to Power with CCS (TESBIC)
Associated Dataset(s)

Biomass to Power with CCS - Bio IGCC decadal model

Biomass to Power with CCS - Bio amine decadal model

Biomass to Power with CCS - Bio chem loop decadal model

Biomass to Power with CCS - Bio oxy decadal model

Biomass to Power with CCS - Cofire IGCC decadal model

Biomass to Power with CCS - Cofire amine delcadal model

Biomass to Power with CCS - Cofire carb loop decadal model

Biomass to Power with CCS - Cofire oxy decadal model

Associated Publication(s)

Biomass to Power with CCS - ETI Executive Summary

Biomass to Power with CCS - Executive Summary: Technology Landscape report and recommendations

Biomass to Power with CCS - Model Data Requirements Specification and Model Template Release

Biomass to Power with CCS - Model and Sub-model Specification and user Documentation

Biomass to Power with CCS - One Page Summary

Biomass to Power with CCS - WP1 Detailed Final Report

Biomass to Power with CCS - WP2 High-level Engineering Study: Report on Selected Technology Combinations

Biomass to Power with CCS - WP2 High-level Engineering Study: member dissemination event - slide pack

Biomass to Power with CCS - model requirements, specification, strategy and user documentation : T6, T7, and T8

Biomass to Power with CCS - model requirements, specification, strategy and user documentation: T3, T4 and T5

Biomass to Power with CCS Flexible Research Programme Project - Request for Proposal

ETI Insights Report - The evidence for deploying bioenergy with CCS (BECCS) in the UK

Infographic - 10 years to prepare for a low carbon transition using CCS with Bioenergy

Infographic - Enabling UK biomass

Making efficient use of bioenergy feedstocks for cleaner, greener energy