Abstract |
TESBiC: Techno-Economic Study of Biomass to power with CCS. Bioenergy production coupled with CCS could provide up to 10% of UK energy in the 2050s and deliver substantial net negative emissions. At the time of writing (2012) Bioenergy with CCS was thought to have the potential to remove 50 - 100 Mt of CO2 from the atmosphere each year by 2050. More recent analysis, published in the Bioenergy Insights papers, suggests that this figure is closer to 55 Mt CO2/yr.The Biomass to Power with CCS project found that uncertainties in the data resulted in large potential uncertainties in the conclusions, particularly with regard to the looping technologies. This made the comparison of the eight technologies, and drawing definitive conclusions, difficult. The project team recommended further investigation of the data, in particular data relating to chemical looping technologies |