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ETI Insights Report - Smart Systems and Heat - Decarbonising Heat for UK Homes

Citation Douglas, J. ETI Insights Report - Smart Systems and Heat - Decarbonising Heat for UK Homes, ETI, 2015. https://doi.org/10.5286/UKERC.EDC.000773.
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Author(s) Douglas, J.
Project partner(s) ETI
Publisher ETI
DOI https://doi.org/10.5286/UKERC.EDC.000773
Download Smart-Systems-and-Heat-Decarbonising-Heat-for-UK-Homes.pdf document type
Abstract The buildings sector needs to be largely decarbonised as part of a least cost low carbon energy system. There are two principal pathways for domestic space and water heating, with different inherent features. Consumers want better control of the time, effort and money they spend making a comfortable, healthy home – it is not simply about minimising their running costs

Key headlines
  • The near total elimination of carbon emissions from existing homes is required by 2050
  • There are two key solutions for low carbon home heating – local area schemes using heat networks and individual home systems using electric heat, each with different challenges
  • Compelling consumer propositions and business models are needed. Social benefits will also be important and affordability needs to be a key element of transition planning
  • A system level frameworkis required to package known but underdeveloped technologies into integrated solutions
  • System designs and local spatial plans are needed for the efficient development of energy assets and to support end-user engagement
  • Integrating the delivery of an energy system transition strategy into local planning processes, with local ownership, will be key to the delivery of near zero emissions
  • Low carbon heating systems will introduce the need for new heat production and network assets, along with significant electricity network reinforcement, whilst the utilisation of local gas distribution networks will be reduced
  •  The next decade will be critical in preparing for the transition and building confidence. A policy framework is required that supports the combination of individual and collective decisions and investments. Rapid implementation is then required from 2025
Associated Project(s) ETI-SS9004: Smart Systems and Heat (SSH) Programme - Consumer Insights
Associated Dataset(s) No associated datasets
Associated Publication(s)

Decarbonising energy with higher levels of customer service - Presentation

ETI Insights Report - Smart Systems and Heat - Consumer challenges for low carbon heat

Infographic - Consumer Insights

List of projects for the ETI Smart Systems and Heat (SSH) Programme

SSH Stagegate 1 - Review of International Smart Systems and Heat Initiatives - Final Report

WP1 Consumer Insights - A Segmentation Analysis of Households’ Reasons for Changing their Heating Systems

WP1 Consumer Insights - Behavioural underpinnings of Energy purchase, use & upgrade - Literature Review

WP1 Consumer Insights - Consumer Insights Toolkit

WP1 Consumer Insights - Household Heating Design Aids - Visual Toolkit

WP1 Consumer Insights: A Segmentation Analysis of Households’ Reasons for Changing their Heating

WP1 Consumer Insights: Exploratory Data Analysis for ETI

WP1 Consumer Insights: Literature Review Personality and Risky Heat Decisions - Behavioural underpinnings of Energy purchase, use & upgrade