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System Requirements for Alternative Nuclear Technologies - Overview & Key Findings (Presentation)

Citation Friggens, S. System Requirements for Alternative Nuclear Technologies - Overview & Key Findings (Presentation), ETI, 2015. https://doi.org/10.5286/UKERC.EDC.000310.
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Author(s) Friggens, S.
Project partner(s) Mott MacDonald, Rolls-Royce, ETI
Publisher ETI
DOI https://doi.org/10.5286/UKERC.EDC.000310
Download NUC_ST2033_3.pdf document type
Abstract The purpose of the System Requirements for Alternative Nuclear Technologies (ANT) project was to capture the high level technical performance characteristics and business-case parameters of small thermal plants, which will be of value to the potential future of the UK’s energy system. The project included small nuclear reactors, enabling comparison with other small-scale plants, such as those powered by bio-mass. The project outputs will help enable the subsequent contrast of a range of specific technologies.

This presentation describing what Small Modular Reactors need to do both functionally and economically, to be of value to the UK’s future energy system.
  • Role: If SMRs do what proponents claim, SMRs could play a significant role in the UK’s future energy system
  • Requirements: SMRs will need to achieve a number of functional and economic energy systems requirements e.g. costs
  • Heat: Heatprovision to District Heating networks could be a major benefit to the UK energy system and SMR plant economics
  • Role of Government: Deployinga fleet of UK SMRs is likely to require Government co-ordination and intervention
  • Backup slides
    • What energy services could SMRs offer?
    • Target vs estimate: Extra-flex
    • IRRs based on estimated CAPEX
    • Technical development assessment framework
    • Non-kWh services
Associated Project(s) ETI-ST2033: System Requirements for Alternative Nuclear Technologies
Associated Dataset(s) No associated datasets
Associated Publication(s)

ETI Insights Report - The role for nuclear within a low carbon energy system

Infographic - New Nuclear plants and transition to low carbon

Infographic - Preparing for Deployment of a UK Small Modular Reactor by 2030

List of projects for the ETI Nuclear (NUC) Programme

System Requirements For Alternative Nuclear Technologies (Phase 3) - Technical assessment of SMR heat extraction for district heat networks - Final Report

System Requirements For Alternative Nuclear Technologies - Project Summary Report

System Requirements for Alternative Nuclear Technologies - Presentation - Approach and Findings

System Requirements for Alternative Nuclear Technologies - Request for Proposals

System Requirements for Alternative Nuclear Technologies - Using small modular reactors to supply district heat networks