This Network Capacity project was commissioned to: assess the feasibility of using new technologies to enable the installation of significantly increased levels of renewable energy sources in the UK and provide recommendations identifying possible technology development intervention opportunities derived from the analysis. The technologies considered in the project included: a range of power electronic based conversion systems and active network management techniques, reactive power compensation technologies, multi-terminal HVDC systems, and the feasibility of incorporating multi-terminal HVDC into the existing UK electricity network.
This project has focussed on the feasibility of applying new and existing power electronic technologies to provide enhanced management of network power flows in order to release more capacity within the T&D system. It has also assessed the technical feasibility of multi-terminal HVDC in the context of operation within the existing UK T&D system. The work has been reported on in eleven separate technical reports that address specific areas of the study. This report is the final report for the study; it summarises the previously published reports and presents a summary of all of the key findings in a single coherent document under the headings
Technologies Overview
Power Electronic Devices
Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) Devices
Active Network Management
HVDC Transmission Technology and Multi-Terminal Schemes
Performance of Technologies Integrated into UK Grid