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Hydrogen Turbines: Hydrogen Storage and Flexible Turbine Systems – Executive Summary

Citation Foster Wheeler Hydrogen Turbines: Hydrogen Storage and Flexible Turbine Systems – Executive Summary, ETI, 2014. https://doi.org/10.5286/UKERC.EDC.000102.
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Author(s) Foster Wheeler
Project partner(s) Foster Wheeler
Publisher ETI
DOI https://doi.org/10.5286/UKERC.EDC.000102
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Abstract The ETI’s energy system modelling shows that flexible power generation systems comprising hydrogen generation with CCS, intermediate storage (particularly using salt caverns) and flexible turbines are attractive options for the UK. In the model described here, hydrogen is supplied from coal and biomass fired gasifiers and steam methane reformers, with CO2 captured for storage. This permits the use at high load of capital intensive and relatively inflexible conversion and CCS equipment, filling hydrogen storage when power is not needed, and releasing hydrogen at short notice through turbines when power is at a premium.

This executive summary covers the objectives and main findings of the five work packages, and suggests the next steps.
Associated Project(s) ETI-CC2009: Flexible Hydrogen Power Generation Systems
Associated Dataset(s) No associated datasets
Associated Publication(s)

ETI Insights Report - The role of hydrogen storage in a clean responsive power system

Hydrogen Turbines - Hydrogen Storage and Flexible Turbine Systems WP1 Report - Hydrogen Power Production

Hydrogen Turbines - Hydrogen Storage and Flexible Turbine Systems WP2 Report - Hydrogen Storage

Hydrogen Turbines - Hydrogen Storage and Flexible Turbine Systems WP3 Report - Supporting Studies

Hydrogen Turbines - Hydrogen Storage and Flexible Turbine Systems WP5 - Identification of a Representative System & Comparison of CCGT with CO,sub>2 Buffer Storage

Hydrogen Turbines - Hydrogen Storage and Flexible Turbine Systems- Final Report Introduction

Hydrogen Turbines - One Page Summary

Hydrogen Turbines- Hydrogen Storage and Flexible Turbine Systems - Request for Proposal

Infographic - Hydrogen Insights