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Projects: Details for ETI-CC2009
Details for ETI-CC2009
Reference Number ETI-CC2009
Title Flexible Hydrogen Power Generation Systems
Status Completed
Energy Categories Other Power and Storage Technologies(Electric power conversion) 20%;
Fossil Fuels: Oil Gas and Coal(Coal, Other Coal) 20%;
Hydrogen and Fuel Cells(Hydrogen, Hydrogen production) 20%;
Renewable Energy Sources(Bio-Energy, Applications for heat and electricity) 20%;
Fossil Fuels: Oil Gas and Coal(CO2 Capture and Storage, CO2 capture/separation) 20%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields PHYSICAL SCIENCES AND MATHEMATICS (Chemistry) 25%;
ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Mechanical, Aeronautical and Manufacturing Engineering) 50%;
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES (Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences) 25%;
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Systems Analysis related to energy R&D (Other Systems Analysis) 100%
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
British Geological Survey (BGS) - NERC
Award Type Institute Project
Funding Source ETI
Start Date 14 February 2013
End Date 29 January 2014
Duration 11 months
Total Grant Value £1
Industrial Sectors
Region East Midlands
Programme Carbon Capture and Storage
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , British Geological Survey (BGS) - NERC (100.000%)
Web Site
Abstract This £300k project, led by global engineering and construction company Amec Foster Wheeler, in collaboration with the BGS, assessed the economics of a range of flexible power generation systems which involve the production of hydrogen (with CCS) from coal, biomass or natural gas, its intermediate storage (e.g. in salt caverns deep underground) and production of power in flexible turbines. The work included mapping of potentially suitable hydrogen storage salt cavern sites in and around the UK and provided the ETI with a flexible economic modelling tool to assess the range of possible options. The ETI’s energy system modelling work suggests that systems such as these could provide a valuable contribution to the future energy mix, filling the gap between base load nuclear plant and low carbon power generation.

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Infographic - Hydrogen Insights

Added to Database 10/10/18