147 publications found
UKERC Research Report
UKERC Working Paper
Conditions for environmentally-sound UK shale gas development
McGlade, C., Ekins, P., Bradshaw, M. and Watson, J. 2015
UKERC Interdisciplinary Review: Research Report
Winskel, M., Ketsopoulou, I. and Churchouse, T. 2015
Response from the UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC) to the House of Lords Science and Technology Committee Inquiry into the resilience of electricity infrastructure
Bell, K., Dodds, P., Chaudry, M., Eyre, N. and Aylott, M. 2014
Response from the UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC) to the Energy and Climate Change Committee's Inquiry on Electricity Demand-side Measures
Eyre, N., Darb,. S. and Green, R. 2014
Local Engagement in UK Energy Systems - a Pilot Study of Current Activities and Future Impact
Hawkey, D., Tingey, M. and Webb, J. 2014
Workshop Report
UKERC Phase 4 : Flexible Fund Consultation
UKERC 2020
Meeting report: heat networks and governance
Sharick, A. and Webb, J. 2016
UKERC Flexible Research Fund Town Hall Meeting - meeting report
Watson, J., Ketsopoulou, I., McGlade, C. and Aylott, M. 2014
Electricity Market Reform: Stakeholders Workshop
UKERC 2011
Electricity Market Reform: Independent Experts Workshop
UKERC 2011
Electricity Market Reform Workshop III: Institutional Arrangements
UKERC and the Imperial College London Centre for Energy Policy and Technology 2011
Microgrids Book Stakeholder Meeting
Otoadese, J. 2008
Critical issues in UK low carbon energy innovation policy
Tait, G., Zahrir, S. and Otoadese, J. 2008
Bioenergy directed research: opportunities for the Carbon Trust and bioenergy community
Brown, M. and Otoadese, J. 2007
The cost-effectiveness of carbon abatement in the transport sector
Carlo, D. and Keay-Bright, S. 2007
UKERC Annual Assembly 2007
Keay-Bright, S. 2007
The Accelerated Materials Discovery for Energy Storage and Conversion Devices
Keay-Bright, S. 2007
Agent Based Modelling: Application to Policy
Keay-Bright, S. 2007
Supergen Workshop 2007
Keay-Bright, S. 2007
Developing a bioenergy roadmap for the UK
Keay-Bright, S. and Taylor, G. 2007
Sustainable Hydrogen Production: A role for Fusion?
OBrien, M., Webster, A. and Lancaster, K. 2007
UK Tourism in a Low Carbon World - Executive Summary
Otoadese, J. and Keay-Bright, S. 2007
UK Tourism in a Low Carbon World
Otoadese, J. and Keay-Bright, S. 2007
The Energy White Paper: An academic critique
Palmer, J. and Keay-Bright, S. 2007
TSEC Trust Symposium - Workshop Report - 28th-29th June 2006 - St. Annes College, Oxford
Bellaby, P. and Eames, M. 2006
Implementing Kyoto and how does it all add up, executive summary
Darkin, B. with Neuhoff, K, Krey, M. and Gassan Zade, O 2006
Energising Communities
Evans, B. and Palmer, J. 2006
Carbon neutrality and carbon offsets
Keay-Bright, S. and Knight, O. 2006
Place and energy: does scale matter?
Marvin, S., Palmer, J. and Plater, D. 2006
Improving energy efficiency in a New Europe: leveraging the Kyoto flexibility mechanisms past, present & future
Novikova, A., Keay-Bright, S. and Palmer, J. 2006
Supergen workshop 2006
Palmer, J. 2006
Quantifying Energy Scenarios of a Low Carbon Society - The Annual Energy Modelling Conference (AEMC) of the UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC)
Palmer, J., LaJoie, K. and Strachan, NS. 2006
Report on the ESRC / UKERC Seminar on the Future Economics of Hydrogen
UKERC 2006
Report of the "clean coal and carbon capture and storage workshop"
UKERC 2006
Carbon capture & storage opportunities in a new Europe
Vincent, C. 2006
Teaching Energy Economics
Witham, H. 2006
Unlocking energy services: Main findings of a joint SDC/UKERC seminar
Hinnells, M., Eppel, S. and Mitchell, C. 2005
Workshop Summary Report - G8 Workshop on Energy Research and Innovation - 11-12 May 2005, Oxford, UK : Improving Collaboration on Clean Energy
G8 Workshop on Energy Research and Innovation - 11-12 May, Oxford, UK : Improving Collaboration on Clean Energy - Chairman’s Report
Keay-Bright. S. 2005
Research Landscape
UKERC Energy Research Landscape: Energy Storage (2020)
Ruddell, A.J. 2020
UKERC Energy Research Landscape: Socio-Economic Issues (2019)
Hannon, M. 2019
UKERC Energy Research Landscape: Whole Systems Research
Silvast, A. 2019
UKERC Energy Research Landscape: Electricity Transmission and Distribution
Chaudry, M 2014
UKERC Energy Research Landscape - Energy Efficiency - Residential & Commercial
Lowe, R. and Halliday, J.A. 2014
UKERC Energy Research Landscape: Hydropower
Aggidis, G. 2013
UKERC Energy Research Landscape: Fuel Cells
Brandon, N 2013
UKERC Energy Research Landscape: Hydrogen
Dutton, A.G., Halliday, J.A. and Mays, T. 2013
UKERC Energy Research Landscape: Electric Power Conversion
Gahan, D. 2013
UKERC Energy Research Landscape: Wind
Halliday, J.A. and Ruddell, A.J. 2013
UKERC Energy Research Landscape: Socio-Economic Issues (2013)
Hannon, M 2013
UKERC Energy Research Landscape: Nuclear Fission
Howarth, P.J.A. and Stonell, D. 2013
UKERC Energy Research Landscape: Solar Energy
Irvine, S.J.C. 2013
UKERC Energy Research Landscape: Energy Storage (2013)
Ruddell, A.J. 2013
UKERC Energy Research Landscape: Nuclear Fusion
Warrick, C., O'Brien, M., Ward, D., Nelson, C. and Edwards, C. 2013
UKERC Energy Research Landscape: Energy Efficiency - Transport
Beecroft, M. and Anable, J. 2012
UKERC Energy Research landscape: OIL AND GAS
Breen, R. 2012
UKERC Energy Research Landscape: Marine Renewable Energy
Finlay, L., Jay, B. and Jeffrey, H. 2012
UKERC Energy Research Landscape: Coal Conversion
Minchener, A. 2012
UKERC Energy Research Landscape: Coal Combustion
Minchener, A. 2012
UKERC Energy Research Landscape: Geothermal Energy
Wright, L.C. and Younger, P. 2012
UKERC Energy Research Landscape: Energy Systems Modelling
Strachan, N. 2011
UKERC Energy Research Landscape: Energy Efficiency - Industry
Hammond, G. 2009
UKERC Energy Research Landscape: Carbon Capture and Storage
Haszeldine, S. 2009
UKERC Energy Research Landscape: Bioenergy for Heat, Power and Liquid transportation fuels
Taylor, G. 2009
Research Roadmap
Marine Energy Technology Roadmap 2014
Jeffrey, H. 2014
Energy Technologies Institute & UK Energy Research Centre : Marine Energy Technology Roadmap, October 2010
Jeffrey, H. 2010
Nuclear Fission Energy Roadmap
Howarth, P.J.A. 2008
UKERC Marine (Wave and Tidal Current) Renewable Energy Technology Roadmap
Mueller, M. and Jeffrey, H. 2008
The UKERC/UKCCSC Carbon Capture and Storage Roadmap
Gough, C., Mander, S., Haszeldine, S. and Palmer, J. 2007
Consultation Response
Scottish Government: Draft Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan consultation
Bell, K., Bridge, G., Britton, J., Cooper, S., Gailani, A., Gross, R., Hanna, R., Munoz, C.C., Poulter, H., Rattle, I., Sugar, K., Turner, K., Webb, J. and Whitmee, S. 2023
Ofgem Consultation: Future of local energy institutions and governance
Britton, J., Poulter, H. and Webb, J. 2023
DESNZ Consultation on the Strategy and Policy Statement for Energy Policy. Aug 2023
Gross, R., Bradshaw, M., Bell, K .and Webb, J. 2023
Just Transition to Net Zero Wales: Consultation response
Pidgeon, N., Gross, R., Bell, K., Bradshaw, M., Chaudry, M., Hanna, R., Qadrdan, M., Lockwood, M., Webb, J. and Wu, J. 2023
National Infrastructure Commission - Second National Infrastructure Assessment: Baseline Report. UK Energy Research Centre response
Beaumont, N., Bell, K., Flower, J., Gross, R., Hanna, R., Qadrdan, M., Rhodes, A., Speirs, J., Taylor, P., Webb, J. and Wu. J. 2022
Economic Affairs Committee inquiry: UK energy supply and investment. UK Energy Research Centre response
Bell, K., Blyth, W., Bradshaw, M., Green, R., Gross, R., Jansem, M., Ostrovnaya, A. and Webb, J. 2022
Scottish Government Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee: Inquiry into the role of local government and its cross-sectoral partners in financing and delivering a net-zero Scotland. UK Energy Research Centre response
Britton, J. and Webb. J. 2022
Ofgem Call for Input: Future of local energy institutions and governance. UKERC Consultation Response
Poulter, H., Britton, J. and Webb, J. 2022
BEIS call for evidence : Enabling a high renewable, net zero electricity system.
Blyth, W., Gross, R., Bell, K., MacIver, C. and Nash, S. 2021
EU Environment Sub-Committee inquiry: UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement - Submission on behalf of Chatham House, the University of Warwick and the UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC): Comments in relation to issues around climate change and energy
Froggatt, A., Kuzemko, C. and Bradshaw, M. 2021
UKERC Consultation Response to BEIS Consultation on Future support for low carbon heat
Abeysekera, M., Fuentes Gonzalez, F., Gross, R., Lowes, R., Qadrdan, M. and Wu, J. 2020
BEIS Select Committee Super Inquiry: Post-Pandemic Economic Growth
Beaumont, N., Gross, R., Hanna, R., Taylor, P., Wade, F. and Webb, J. 2020
Ending the sale of new petrol, diesel and hybrid cars and vans.
Brand, C., Anable, J. and Dixon, J. 2020
Ofgem RIIO-ED2 consultation response
Gross, R. and Bell. K. 2020
BEIS Select Committee inquiry: Decarbonising heat in homes
Lowes, R., Pidgeon, N., Barrett, J., Qadrdan, M., Gross, R. and Wu, J. 2020
Joint Ofgem and BEIS Consultation on Reforming the Energy Industry Codes Response from the UK Energy Research Centre
Bell, K. 2019
CREDS & UKERC response to: BEIS - Energy efficiency scheme for small and medium sized businesses: A call for evidence
Fawcett, T., Hampton, S. and Mallaburn, P. 2019
UKERC Response to the BEIS Consultation Designing the Industrial Energy Transformation Fund
Taylor, P. and Watson, J 2019
UKERC response to BEIS consultation: Business Models for Carbon Capture, Usage and Storage
Temperton, I. and Watson, J. 2019
Ofgem consultation: Getting more out of our electricity networks by reforming access and forward-looking charging arrangements - UKERC response
Bell, K. 2018
Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee carbon capture, usage and storage (CCUS) inquiry : Submission on behalf of UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources (ISR) and the UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC)
Hughes, N., Watson, J. and Ekins, P. 2018
BEIS call for evidence : The future for small scale low-carbon generation - Response from the UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC)
McLachlan, C., Braunholtz-Speight, T., Hawker, G. and Watson, J. 2018
Welsh Government : Locally owned renewable energy: A call for evidence - Response from the UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC)
Tingey, M., Braunholtz-Speight, T., Hawkey, D., McLachlan, C. and Webb, J. 2018
Technologies for meeting Clean Growth emissions reduction targets
Watson, J. and Gross, R. 2018
Scottish Parliament Finance and Constitution Committee: Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) Bill - Financial Memorandum -Response by the UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC)
Winskel, M., Watson, J., Gross, R., Dodds, P. and Bell, K. 2018
Building our Industrial Strategy - Response to the Green Paper
Bell, K., Barrett, J., Ekins, P., Eyre, N., Gross, R., Watson, J. and Wright, L 2017
UKERC Response to the Ofgem/BEIS Call for Evidence - A Smart, Flexible Energy system
Bell, K., Eyre, N., Hawker, G., Castagneto Gissey, G., Dodds, P., Darby, S., Irvine, J., Paul, G. and Watson J 2017
UKERC Response to the Ofgem/BEIS Call for Evidence - A Smart, Flexible Energy system - a system for the consumer
Darby, S 2017
Cost of Energy Review: call for evidence - Response by the UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC)
Watson, J., Gross, R., Bell, K., Waddams, C., Temperton, I., Barrett, J., Rhodes, A., Gill, S. and Bays, J 2017
Scottish Energy Strategy: The Future of Energy in Scotland - Scottish Government, Edinburgh - a Consultation response by the UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC)
Watson, J., Winskel, M., Bell, K., Hawker, G., Webb, J., Tingey, M., Dodds, P., Chilvers, J., Pallett, H., Pidgeon, N., Demski, C., Morton, C., Scott, K., Roelich, K., Sakai, M., Cotton, I., Sambrook, K., Giesekam, J. and Barrett, J. 2017
House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee: Inquiry on The Economic Impact on Energy Policy of Shale Gas and Oil - Response on behalf of the UK Energy Research Centre
Bradshaw. M. and Watson. J. 2013
Electricity Demand Reduction - UKERC Consultation Response to the Department of Energy and Climate Change
Eyre, N. and Wilson, C. 2013
UKERC response to the Energy and Climate Change Committee Inquiry into The Impact of Shale Gas on Energy Markets - October 2012, Part 1
Bradshaw, M. 2012
UKERC response to the Department of Energy and Climate Change consultation - Renewable Heat Incentive: Proposals for a Domestic Scheme
Eyre. N., Jenkins. N. and Sansom. R. 2012
UKERC response to the Department of Energy and Climate Change consultation - Green Deal and Energy Company Obligation
Eyre, N., Rosenow, J., Wade, J., Wilson, C. and Lowe, R. 2012
UKERC response to the Energy and Climate Change Committee Inquiry into The Impact of Shale Gas on Energy Markets - October 2012, Part 2.
McGlade, C., Speirs, J. and Sorrell, S. 2012
Renewable Heat Initiative - UKERC Consultation Response on Expanding the Non Domestic Scheme
Sansom, R. 2012
Response to the 2011 HM Treasury Carbon Floor Price Consultation
Hardy. J. 2011
Memorandum on Public Attitudes and Nuclear Power submitted to the House of Lords - Science and Technology Committee Inquiry on Nuclear R&D Capabilities
Pidgeon. N. 2011
UKERC response to the Department of Energy and Climate Change consultation - Electricity Market Reform
Skea, J., Hardy, J., Gross, R., Mitchell, C., Baker, P. and Eyre, N. 2011
UKERC response to the PRASEG Inquiry - Renewables and the Grid: Access and Management
Baker, P., Chaudry, M., Mitchell, C, Woodman, B., Jenkins, N., Strbac, G. and Hardy, J. 2010
UKERC response to the DECC consultation on the proposed RHI financial support scheme
Eyre, N., Boardman, B., Bagdanavicius, A., Skea, J. and Hardy, J. 2010
Response to the Ofgem consultation: Project Discovery options for secure and sustainable energy supplies
Mitchell, C., Baker, P. and Gross, R. 2010
Memorandum From Research Councils UK for the Energy and Climate Change Committee Inquiry into UK Deepwater Drilling - Implications of the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill
UKCCSC and UKERC response to the Energy and Climate Change Select Committee inquiry on emissions performance standards (EPS)
UKERC response to the Ofgem consultation: Project Discovery: Future Energy Markets
Chaudry. M., Usher. W., Ekins. P., Strachan. N., Jenkins. N., Baker. P., Skea. J. and Hardy J 2009
UKERC response to the DECC consultation: Heat and Energy Saving Strategy
Hardy, J. 2009
UKERC response to the DECC consultation: A framework for the development of clean coal
Hardy, J. 2009
UKERC response to the BERR consultation Towards Carbon Capture and Storage
Chalmers, H., Haszeldine, S., Gibbins, J. and Hardy, J. 2008
UKERC response to the consultation on proposals for a Scottish Climate Change Bill
Hardy, J. 2008
UKERC response to the Internal Market Sub-Committee (Sub-Committee B) of the House of Lords Select Committee on the European Union inquiry into the EUs 20% renewable energy target
Hardy, J and Infield, D 2008
UKERC response to the BERR consultation UK Renewable Energy Strategy
Hardy, J. 2008
Response to the House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee inquiry on Carbon Capture and Storage
Haszeldine, S., Chalmers, H., Gibbins, J., Markusson, N. and Skea, J. 2008
Response to DEFRA Consultation on the draft Climate Change Bill
Skea, J. 2007
Renewable Energy-Generation Technologies.Response to the Science and Technology Committee Consultation
Skea, J. and Infield, D. 2007
Response to the Treasury consultation on Carbon Capture and Storage
Haszeldine, S. 2006
Response to the Governments Energy Review consultation
Skea, J. 2006
UKERC Response to House of Commons Science and Technology Committee: Geosciences Perspectives on Carbon Capture and Storage Technology
Haszeldine, S. 2005
Policy Briefing Paper
Review of Energy Policy 2020
Gross, R., Bell, K., Brand, C., Wade, F., Hanna, R., Heptonstall, P., Kuzemko, C., Froggatt, A., Bradshaw, M., Lowes, R., Webb, J., Dodds, P., Chilvers, J. and Hargreaves, T. 2020
Review of Energy Policy 2019
Watson, J., Bradshaw, M., Froggat, A., Kuzemko, C., Webb, J., Beaumont, N., Armstrong, A., Agnolucci, P., Hastings, A., Holland, R., Day, B., Delafield, G., Eigenbrod, F., Taylor, G., Lovett, A., Shepard, A., Hooper, T., Wu, J., Lowes, R., Qadrdan, M., Anable, J., Brand, C., Mullen, C., Bell, K., Taylor, P. and Allen, S. 2019
Funding a Low Carbon Energy System: a fairer approach?
Barrett, J., Owen, A. and Taylor, P 2018
Future UK Gas Security: Midstream Infrastructure
Bradshaw, M. 2018
Future UK Gas Security: The Future Role of Gas?
Bradshaw, M, 2018
CCS: New enthusiasm, old uncertainty, and the need for a Delivery Body - Response to recent policy advice on Carbon Capture Use and Storage including the CCUS Cost Challenge Task Force and the Parliamentary Advisory Group on CCS
Temperton, I. 2018
Review of Energy Policy: 2018
Watson, J., Ekins, P., Bradshaw, M., Wilson, G., Webb, J., Lowes, R., Bell, K., Demski, C., Snell, C., Bevan, M., Waddams, C., Anable, J. and Brand, C. 2018
Future UK Gas Security: Upstream Security of Supply
Bradshaw, M. 2017
Public engagement with energy: broadening evidence, policy and practice
Chilvers, J., Pallett, H. and Hargreaves, T. 2017
Unlocking Britains First Fuel: The potential for energy savings in UK housing.
Rosenow, J., Guertler, P., Sorrell, S. and Eyre, N. 2017
Review of Energy Policy 2017
Watson, J., Ekins, P., Gross, R., Froggatt, A., Barrett, J., Bell, K., Darby, S., Webb, J., Bradshaw, M., Anable, J., Brand, C., Pidgeon, N., Demski, C. and Evensen, D., 2017