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97 publications found

Journal Article

Lights into flights: estimating direct and indirect rebound effects for UK households

subsectionChitnis, M. S. Sorrell, A. Druckman and T. Jackson 2013

A system dynamics model of tellurium availability for CdTe PV

subsectionHouari, Y., Speirs, J., Candelise, C. and Gross R. 2013

Unconventional gas - A review of regional and global resource estimates

subsectionMcGlade, C., Speirs, J. and Sorrell, S. 2013

The cost of offshore wind: Understanding the past and projecting the future

subsectionHeptonstall, P; Gross, R; Greenacre, P; and Cockerill, T 2012

Shaping the global oil peak: a review of the evidence on field sizes, reserve growth, decline rates and depletion rates

subsectionSorrell, S, Speirs, J, Bentley, R, Miller, R and Thompson, E 2012

Materials availability for thin film (TF) PV technologies development: a real concern ?

subsectionCandelise, C., Speirs, J., and Gross, R 2011

Missing carbon reductions ? Exploring rebound and backfire effects in UK households

subsectionDruckman, A. M.Chitnis, S.Sorrell and T. Jackson 2011

Estimating bio-energy resource potentials to 2050: learning from experience

subsectionSlade, R.; Gross, R; and Bauen, B 2011

Winds of change: How high wind penetrations will affect investment incentives in the GB electricity sector

subsectionSteggals, W; Gross, R; Heptonstall, P 2011

Review of mathematical models of future oil supply: Historical overview and synthesizing critique

subsectionBrandt, A.R. 2010

Risks, revenues and investment in electricity generation: Why policy needs to look beyond costs

subsectionGross, R.; Blyth, W.; Heptonstall, P. 2010

Energy, Economic Growth and Environmental Sustainability: Five Propositions' Sustainability

subsectionSorrell, S. 2010

Hubberts Legacy: a review of curve-fitting methods to estimate ultimately recoverable resources

subsectionSorrell, S. and J. Speirs 2010

Global Oil Depletion: A review of the evidence

subsectionSorrell, S. Brandt, A., Speirs, J., Miller, R., Bentley, R. 2010

Oil Futures: a comparison of global supply forecasts

subsectionSorrell, S., Miller, R., Bentley, R. and Speirs, J. 2010

Is there an 'energy gap'?

subsectionCollins, C, Gross, R. and Heptonstall, P. 2009

Direction of travel

subsectionHeptonstall, P; Gross, R 2009

Jevons revisited: the evidence for backfire from improved energy efficiency

subsectionSorrell, S. 2009

Empirical estimates of the direct rebound effect: a review

subsectionSorrell, S, Dimitropoulos J, and Sommerville, M. 2009

The costs and impacts of intermittency: An ongoing debate: "East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet."

subsectionGross, R. and Heptonstall, P. 2008

Intermittent renewable generation and the cost of maintaining power system reliability.

subsectionSkea, J, Anderson, D, Green, T, Gross, R, Heptonstall, P. and Leach, M 2008

The rebound effect: microeconomic definitions, limitations and extensions

subsectionSorrell, S. and Dimitripoulos, J. 2008

Renewables and the grid: understanding intermittency

subsectionGross, R., Heptonstall, P., Leach, M., Anderson, D., Green, T. and Skea, J. 2007

Improving the evidence base for energy policy: the role of systematic reviews

subsectionSorrell, S. 2007


Energy efficiency and Sustainable Consumption. The Rebound Effect

subsectionHerring, H and Sorrell, S. 2008

Book Chapter

Liberalised Energy Markets: an Obstacle to Renewables?

subsectionGross, R, Heptonstall, P 2010

The UK Energy Research Centre Review of the Costs and Impacts of Intermittency

subsectionGross, R., Heptonstall, P., Anderson, D., Green, T., Leach, M. and Skea, J. 2009

Improving energy efficiency: hidden costs and unintended consequences

subsectionSorrell, S., 2009

The rebound effect definition and estimation

subsectionSorrell, S. 2009

Conference Paper

Energy-capital substitution and the rebound effect external website

subsectionSorrell, S. 2008

UKERC Research Report

What’s in a bill? How UK household electricity prices compare to other countries

subsectionHeptonstall, P. and Gross, R. 2018 document type

The costs and impacts of intermittency 2016 update. A systematic review of the evidence on the costs and impacts of intermittent electricity generation technologies

subsectionHeptonstall, P., Gross, R. and Steiner, F. 2017 document type

Best practice in heat decarbonisation policy: A review of the international experience of policies to promote the uptake of low-carbon heat supply - Project Scoping note

subsectionHanna, R., Gross, R., Parrish, B. and Speirs, J. 2016 document type

Low carbon jobs: The evidence for net job creation from policy support for energy efficiency and renewable energy

subsectionBlyth, W., Gross, R., Speirs, J., Sorrell, S., Nicholls, J., Dorgan, A. and Hughes, N. 2014 document type

Materials availability for low-carbon technologies: An assessment of the evidence

subsectionSpeirs, J., Gross, R., Contestabile, M., Candelise, C., Houari, Y. and Gross, B. 2014 document type

Presenting the Future: An assessment of future costs estimation methodologies in the electricity generation sector

subsectionGross, R., Heptonstall, P., Greenacre, P., Candelise, C., Jones, F. and Castillo Castillo, A. 2013 document type

Energy Materials Availability Handbook

subsectionSpeirs, J., Gross, B., Gross, R. and Houari, Y. 2013 document type

Energy from biomass: the size of the global resource

subsectionSlade, R., Saunders, R., Gross, R. and Bauen, A. 2011 document type

Great Expectations: The cost of offshore wind in UK waters understanding the past and projecting the future

subsectionGreenacre, P., Gross, R. and Heptonstall, P. 2010 document type

What policies are effective at reducing carbon emissions from surface passenger transport? A review of interventions to encourage behavioural and technological change

subsectionGross, R., Heptonstall, P., Anable, J., Greenacre, P. and E4tech. 2009 document type

Global Oil Depletion: An assessment of the evidence for near-term peak in global oil production

subsectionSorrell, S., Speirs, J., Bentley, R., Brandt, A. and Miller, R.. 2009 document type

Investment in Electricity Generation: The Role of Costs Projections, Incentives and Risk

subsectionGross, R., Heptonstall, P. and Blyth, W. 2007 document type

The Rebound Effect: An Assessment of the Evidence for Economy-wide Energy Savings from Improved Energy Efficiency

subsectionSorrell, S. 2007 document type

The Costs and Impacts of Intermittency: An Assessment of the Evidence on the Costs and Impacts of Intermittent Generation on the British Electricity Network

subsectionGross, R., Heptonstall, P., Anderson, D., Green, T., Leach, M. and Skea, J. 2006 document type

UKERC Working Paper

Can renewables and nuclear help keep bills down this winter?

subsectionGross, R., MacIver, C. and Blyth, W. 2022 document type

Models of governance for energy infrastructure

subsectionLowes, R. and Woodman, B. 2020 document type

Bioenergy with carbon capture and storage, and direct air carbon capture and storage: Examining the evidence on deployment potential and costs in the UK

subsectionDaggash, H.A., Fajardy, M., Heptonstall, P., MacDowell, N. and Gross, R. 2019 document type

Modelling Demand-side Energy Policies for Climate Change Mitigation in the UK: A Rapid Evidence Assessment- Working Paper

subsectionHardt, L., Brockway, P., Taylor, P., Barrett, J., Gross, R. and Heptonstall, P. 2019 document type

How consistent and comparable are ecosystem services and energy system scenarios ?

subsectionHolland, R., Ketsopoulou, I., Beaumont, N., Austen, M., Hooper.,T., Gross, R., Heptonstall, P., Watson, J. and Taylor., G. 2016 document type

Consumer attitudes to changes in electricity supply voltage

subsectionBilton, M. and Carmichael, R. 2015 document type

Energy pathways and valuing natural capital - Scoping note - January 2015, version 1

subsectionHolland, R., Beaument.,N., Austen.,M., Gross.,R., Heptonstall, P., Watson, J. and Taylor, G. 2015 document type

Energy Efficiency Evaluation: the evidence for real energy savings from energy efficiency programmes in the household sector

subsectionWade. J. and Eyre. N. 2015 document type

Materials Availability, Working Paper I: Thin Film Photovoltaics.

subsectionSpeirs, J., Gross, R., Candelise, C. and Gross, B. 2013 document type

Materials Availability, Working paper II: Potential constraints to the future low-carbon economy: Batteries, Magnets and Materials.

subsectionSpeirs, J., Houari, Y., Contestabile, M., Gross, R. and Gross, B. 2013 document type

Materials Availability, Working paper III: Comparison of material criticality studies - methodologies and results.

subsectionSpeirs, J., Houari, Y. and Gross, R. 2013 document type

Report on the evidence for net job creation from policy support for energy efficiency and renewable energy: An appraisal of multi-sectoral modelling techniques

subsectionAllan, G., Gilmartin, M., McGregor, P. and Swales, K. 2012 document type

UKERC Technology and Policy Assessment Cost Methodologies Project: PV Case Study

subsectionCandelise, C. 2012 document type

UKERC Technology and Policy Assessment Cost Methodologies Project: CCGT Case Study

subsectionCastillo-Castillo, A. 2012 document type

UKERC Technology and Policy Assessment Cost Methodologies Project: Nuclear Case Study

subsectionGreenacre, P. 2012 document type

UKERC Technology and Policy Assessment Cost Methodologies Project: Offshore Wind Case Study

subsectionGreenacre, P. 2012 document type

UKERC Technology and Policy Assessment Cost Methodologies Project: Onshore Wind Case Study

subsectionJones, F. 2012 document type

UKERC Technology and Policy Assessment Cost Methodologies Project: CCS Case Study

subsectionJones, F. 2012 document type

Carbon Capture and Storage: Realising the Potential? Work Package 3, Task 5 Working Paper Version 2.1

subsectionHeptonstall, P., Gross, R. and Jones, F. 2011 document type

Prioritising the best use of biomass resources: conceptualising trade-offs

subsectionSlade, R., Bauen, A. and Gross, R. 2010 document type

The UK bio-energy resource base to 2050: estimates, assumptions, and uncertainties

subsectionSlade, R., Bauen, A. and Gross, R. 2010 document type

Mapping rebound effects from sustainable behaviours: key concepts and literature review external website

subsectionSorrell, S. 2010

UKERC Review of Evidence for Global Oil Depletion - Technical Report 7: Comparison of global oil supply forecasts

subsectionBentley, R., Miller., R.., Wheeler, S. and Boyle, G. 2009 document type

UKERC Review of Evidence for Global Oil Depletion - Technical Report 7 - Annex 1: Models of Global Oil Supply for the Period 2008-2030

subsectionBentley, R., Miller, R.., Wheeler, S. and Boyle, G. 2009 document type

UKERC Review of Evidence for Global Oil Depletion - Technical Report 6: Methods of forecasting future oil supply

subsectionBrandt, A. 2009 document type

UKERC Review of Evidence for Global Oil Depletion - Technical Report 4: Decline rates and depletion rates

subsectionMiller, R.., Sorrell, S. and Speirs, J. 2009 document type

UKERC Review of Evidence for Global Oil Depletion - Technical Report 5: Methods of estimating ultimately recoverable resources

subsectionSorrell, S. and Speirs, J. 2009 document type

UKERC Review of Evidence on Global Oil Depletion - Technical Report 1: Data Sources and Issues

subsectionSorrell, S. and Speirs, J. 2009 document type

UKERC Review of Evidence on Global Oil Depletion - Technical Report 2: Definition and interpretation of reserve estimates

subsectionThompson. E., Sorrell, S. and Speirs, J. 2009 document type

UKERC Review of Evidence on Global Oil Depletion - Technical Report 3: The Nature and Importance of Reserve Growth

subsectionThompson, E., Sorrell, S. and Speirs, J. 2009 document type

UKERC Review of Evidence for the Rebound Effect Technical Report 4: Computable General Equilibrium Modelling Studies

subsectionAllan, G, Gilmartin, M, Turner, K, McGregor, P and Swales K. 2007 document type

Agent Based Modelling: Application to Policy

subsectionAnderson, D. 2007

Electricity Generation Costs and Investment Decisions: a Review

subsectionAnderson, D. 2007 document type

UKERC Review of Evidence for the Rebound Effect Technical Report 3: Elasticity of substitution studies

subsectionBroadstock, D., Hunt, L. and Sorrell, S. 2007 document type

Investment: Risk, Return and the Role of Policy

subsectionHamilton, K. 2007 document type

A Review of Electricity Unit Cost Estimates

subsectionHeptonstall, P. 2007 document type

UKERC Review of Evidence for the Rebound Effect Supplementary Note: Graphical illustrations of rebound effects

subsectionSorrell, S. 2007 document type

UKERC Review of Evidence for the Rebound Effect Technical Report 2: Econometric studies

subsectionSorrell, S. and Dimitropoulos, J. 2007 document type

UKERC Review of Evidence for the Rebound Effect: Technical Report 5: Energy, productivity and economic growth studies

subsectionSorrell, S. and Dimitropoulos, J. 2007 document type

Power system reserves and costs with intermittent generation

subsectionAnderson, D 2006 document type

Factoring Risks into Investment Decisions

subsectionBlyth, W. 2006 document type

The Rebound Effect: Microeconomic Definitions, Limitations and Extensions

subsectionDimitriopolous, J. and Sorrell, S. 2006 document type

Methods for Reporting Costs Related to the Capacity Credit of Intermittent Generation Relative to Conventional Generators

subsectionGross, R. 2006 document type

An assessment of the evidence on the costs of intermittent generation - scoping note and assessment protocol

subsectionGross, R. 2006 document type

An assessment of the evidence on the costs of intermittent power generation - Discussion note on initial questions

subsectionGross, R. 2005 document type

Policy Briefing Paper

Policy, Risk and Investment in UK Offshore Wind Capacity

subsectionMaximov, S.,Rickman, J., Gross, R. and Ameli, N. 2024 document type

Review of Energy Policy 2023

subsectionTaylor, P., Bays, J., Bradshaw, M., Webb, J., Britton, J., Bolton, R., Chaudry, M., Qadrdan, M., Wu, J., Anable, J., Brand, C., Rattle, I., Gailani, A., Bell K., Halliday, C., Shepherd, A., Watson, S., Lovett, A. and Hastings, A. 2023 document type

Unlocking the Efficiency Gains of Heat Pumps: The Role of Electricity and Gas Prices

subsectionTurner, K., Katris, A., Calvillo., Stewart, J. and Zhou, L. 2023 document type

Green job creation, quality and skills: A review of the evidence on low carbon energy

subsectionHanna, R., Heptonstall, P. and Gross, R. 2022 document type

Materials for Energy - An Energy Futures Lab and UKERC Briefing Paper

subsectionRhodes, A., Heptonstall, P. and Speirs, J. 2022 document type

Brexit Implications for UK Decarbonisation Objectives

subsectionFroggatt, A. and Kuzemko, C. 2021 document type

The pathway to net zero heating in the UK

subsectionRosenow, J., Lowes, R., Broad, O., Hawker, G., Wu, J,. Qadrdan, M. and Gross, R. 2020 document type

Driving innovation through continuity in UK energy policy : Four simple steps to maintain investor confidence, boost innovation and reduce costs in the UK power sector

subsectionGross. R. and Watson. J. 2015 document type