40 publications found
The UK Energy Innovation System: A review and a commentary
Winskel. M., Radcliffe.J., Skea. J., and Wang. X. 2012
Presentation on Energy Efficiency and Buildings. Chevening Fellowship Programme on The Economics of Energy, Birmingham 1st March 2010
Eyre, N. 2010
Decomposing Changes in the Energy Demand of UK Manufacturing
Hammond, G.P. and Norman, J.B. 2010
Personal Carbon Budgets
Eyre, N. 2009
UKERC Energy 2050: Key Messages
The impact of lifestyle and social change on the UK energy system in 2050
The impact of lifestyle and social change on the UK energy system
Energy Company Obligations to Save Energy in Italy, the UK and France: What have we learnt?
Eyre, N., Pavan, M. and Bodineau, L. 2009
Buildings Don't Use Energy: People Do
Janda, K. B 2009
Cities and Climate Change: The role of institutions, governance and urban planning.
Janda, K. 2009
Building Expertise and Understanding: Climate-Responsive Responsibilities for Professionals and Users
K. Janda 2009
Exploring the social dimensions of energy use: a review of recent research initiatives
The Social Organization of Energy Research: A Review of Recent Initiatives
The geopolitical and security implications of shale gas development
Dutton, J. 2012
Integrated Optimal Power Flow for Electric Power and Heat in a Microgrid
Awad, B., Chaudry, M., Wu, J, and Jenkins, N. 2009
Developing a Transmission Access Regime to Deliver the UK's Renewable Targets
Baker, P. 2008
Evaluating the Capacity Value of Wind Generation in Systems with Hydro Generation
Castro, M., Shakoor, A., Pudjianto, D., and Strbac, G. 2008
Sustainable Development of the Gas and Electricity Infrastructure in the UK
Chaudry, M., Jenkins, N., and Strbac, G. 2008
State-of-the-art of Design and Operation of Power Systems with Large Amounts of Wind Power (Summary of International Energy Agency Wind collaboration) (pp 489-499 in Volume 1)
Holttinen, H., Strbac, G., Shakoor, A., et al. 2007
Quantifying Risk of Interruptions and Evaluating Generation System Adequacy with Wind Generation
Shakoor, A., Strbac,S., and Allan, R., 2006
The scalar politics of energy restructuring in Eastern and Central Europe
Bouzarovski, S 2012
Unpacking energy security
Energy security and the EU: The contradictory materialities of multi-level hydrocarbon governance
Producing territorial dissensus: The new geographies of energy security
Global Gas Debate
Bradshaw, M 2012
The Sakhalin Oil and Gas Projects: Lessons for Arctic Development
Workshop on the Geopolitics of Energy Security
A Supply Chain Approach to Gas Security
The Territorialities of Liquified Natural Gas
Bridge G 2012
TIAM-UCL - Achieving 2DC by 2100
Dessens, O., Anandarajah, G., Daly, H 2012
Development of the UK TIMES model: learning the lessons of the past
Dodds, P 2012
EU gas infrastructure and decarbonisation: the path to 2050
Dutton, J 2012
The Geopolitical & Security Implications of Global Unconventional Gas Development for Scotland and the UK
Dutton J 2012
Challenges to Sustaining the Shale Gas Revolution
Energy, Carbon and Climate Change
Strachan N 2012
Can energy efficiency policies deliver carbon reductions? Evidence from macro-economic modelling.
Barker, T.S. and Foxon, T.J. 2006
Overview of UK Energy and Carbon Scenarios
Hughes, N. 2006
Incorporating Behavioural Responses within a Technology Optimisation Energy Model
Kannan, R. and Strachan, N. 2006
Modelling Long-Term Carbon Abatement Scenarios with UK MARKAL
Strachan, N. and Kannan, R. 2006
Energy-capital substitution and the rebound effect
Sorrell, S. 2008
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