93 publications found
Crosscutting Projects
Book Chapter
Conference Paper
Journal Article
Implications for CdTe and CIGS technologies production costs of indium and tellurium scarcity
Candelise, C., Winskel, M. and Gross, R. 2012
Policy Briefing Paper
UKERC Research Report
Climate change and energy security: Assessing the impact of information and its delivery on attitudes and behaviour
Happer, C., Philo, G. and Froggatt, A. 2012
A review of regional and global estimates of unconventional gas resources - A report to the Energy Security Unit of the Joint Research Centre of the European commission
McGlade, C., Speirs, J. and Sorrell, S. 2012
Carbon Capture and Storage Realising the potential ? (Research Report)
Watson, J., Kern, F., Gross, M., Gross, R., Heptonstall, P., Jones, F., Haszeldine, S., Ascui, F., Chalmers, H., Ghaleigh, N., Gibbins, J., Markusson, N., Marsden, W., Rossati, D., Russell, S., Winskel, M., Pearson, P. and Arapostathis. S. 2012
UKERC Working Paper
Workshop Report
Energy Demand (Demand Reduction)
Book Chapter
Urban Energy Systems
Eyre. N. and Curtis. D. 2012
Journal Article
Modelling transport energy demand: a socio-technical approach
Anable, J., Brand, C., Tran, M. and Eyre, N. 2012
Building Communities: Why We Need a New Interdisciplinary Approach to Reducing Energy Use in Tenanted Commercial Property
Axon, C. J., S. J. Bright, T. J. Dixon, et al 2012
Mobilizing community energy
Bomberg, E and N McEwen 2012
The UK transport carbon model: an integrated life cycle approach to explore low carbon futures
Brand, C., Tran, M. and Anable, J. 2012
Carbon footprints in a bipolar, climate-constrained world
Cranston, G.R. and Hammond, G.P. 2012
Personal carbon trading: is now the right time?
Fawcett, T 2012
Impact review of past UK public industrial energy efficiency RD&D programmes
Griffin, P.W., G.P. Hammond, K.R. Ng and J.B. Norman 2012
Decomposition analysis of energy-related carbon emissions from UK manufacturing
Hammond, G.P. and J.B. Norman, 2012
Carbon Management, local governance and community engagement
Peters, M. Fudge, S. Hoffman, S. and High-Pippert, A 2012
The potential for community groups to promote sustainable living
Peters, M., Sinclair, P. and Fudge, S 2012
Policy Briefing Paper
Energy Supply (Energy Infrastructure and Supply)
Book Chapter
Designing and Creating my Low Carbon Home
Mitchell, C 2012
Conference Paper
Journal Article
Exergy analysis and exergoeconomics. A study of combined cycle cogeneration plant NB This article is in Lithuanian
Bagdanavicius A. and Martinaitis V. 2012
Assessment of Community Energy Supply Systems Using Energy, Exergy and Exergoeconomic Analysis
Bagdanavicius A., Jenkins N., Hammond G. P., 2012
Power requirements for ground source heat pumps in a residential area
Bagdanavicius, A. and Jenkins, N. 2012
Modelling UK energy system response to natural gas supply infrastructure failures
Chaudry, M., Skea, J., Wang, X. and Jenkins, N. 2012
Uncertainty and attitudes towards climate change: biased assimilation but no polarisation
Corner, A. Whitmarsh, L. and Xenias, D 2012
Public perceptions of geoengineering: Emerging perspectives & the challenge of upstream public engagement
Corner, A., Parkhill, K. A. and Pidgeon, N. 2012
A 2020 GB transmission network study using dispersed wind farm power output
Gerber A., Qadrdan M., Chaudry M., Jenkins N and Ekanayake J. 2012
From nuclear to renewable: Energy system transformation and public attitudes
Pidgeon, N. and Demski, C.C. 2012
Public Perceptions of Geoengineering - Knowledge, Risk and Acceptability
Pidgeon, N., Corner, A., Parkhill, K.A., Spence, A., Butler, C. and Poortinga, W 2012
Climate risk perception and communication: addressing a critical moment?
Pidgeon, N.F. 2012
Individual-Motivational Factors in the Acceptability of Demand-Side and Supply-Side Measures to Reduce Carbon Emissions
Poortinga, W. Spence, A. And Pidgeon, N 2012
The role of gas infrastructure in promoting energy security
Skea, J, Chaudry ,M, and Wang, X 2012
Living with nuclear power: sense of place, proximity and risk perception in local host communities
Venables, D., Pidgeon, N.F., Henwood, K.L., Parkhill, K. and Simmons, P. 2012
Energy Systems (Energy Systems and Modelling)
Book Chapter
Public policy and public opinion on shale gas development
Dutton, J 2012
Challenges to the Shale Gas Revolution
Dutton, J. 2012
Competitiveness: What do we know from the Modelling?
Ekins, P. and Speck, S. 2012
Conference Paper
Energy security and the EU: The contradictory materialities of multi-level hydrocarbon governance
Bouzarovski, S 2012
Producing territorial dissensus: The new geographies of energy security
Bouzarovski, S 2012
The scalar politics of energy restructuring in Eastern and Central Europe
Bouzarovski, S 2012
Unpacking energy security
Bouzarovski, S 2012
A Supply Chain Approach to Gas Security
Bradshaw, M 2012
Global Gas Debate
Bradshaw, M 2012
The Sakhalin Oil and Gas Projects: Lessons for Arctic Development
Bradshaw, M 2012
Workshop on the Geopolitics of Energy Security
Bradshaw, M 2012
The Territorialities of Liquified Natural Gas
Bridge G 2012
TIAM-UCL - Achieving 2DC by 2100
Dessens, O., Anandarajah, G., Daly, H 2012
Development of the UK TIMES model: learning the lessons of the past
Dodds, P 2012
Challenges to Sustaining the Shale Gas Revolution
Dutton J 2012
The Geopolitical & Security Implications of Global Unconventional Gas Development for Scotland and the UK
Dutton J 2012
EU gas infrastructure and decarbonisation: the path to 2050
Dutton, J 2012
Journal Article
Marginal abatement cost curves: a call for caution
Kesicki, F. and Ekins, P. 2012
A socio-technical framework for assessing the viability of carbon capture and storage technology
Markusson, N., Kern, F., Arapostathis, S., Chalmers, H., Ghaleigh, N., Heptonstall, P., Pearson, P., Rossati, D., Russell, S. and Watson, J. 2012
A review of the uncertainties in estimates of global oil resources
McGlade C 2012
What will CCS demonstrations demonstrate?
Russell, S., Markusson, N. and Scott, V. 2012
Failure to achieve stringent carbon reduction targets in a second-best policy world
Strachan, N. and Usher, W. 2012
Policy Briefing Paper
UKERC Research Report
Carbon Capture and Storage Realising the potential ? (Research Report)
Watson, J., Kern, F., Gross, M., Gross, R., Heptonstall, P., Jones, F., Haszeldine, S., Ascui, F., Chalmers, H., Ghaleigh, N., Gibbins, J., Markusson, N., Marsden, W., Rossati, D., Russell, S., Winskel, M., Pearson, P. and Arapostathis. S. 2012
UKERC Working Paper
Energy and Environment (Environmental Sustainability)
Journal Article
Link between climate change mitigation and resource efficiency: A UK case study
Barrett, J. and Scott, K. 2012
Sensitivity of crop model predictions to meteorological and soil data
Pogson M., Hastings A. and Smith P. 2012
Development and evaluation of ForestGrowth-SRC a process-based model for short rotation coppice yield and spatial supply reveals poplar uses water more efficiently than willow
Tallis, M.J., Casella, E., Henshall P.A., Aylott M.J., Randle T.J., Morison J.I.L. and Taylor G. 2012
A multi-criteria based review of models that predict environmental impacts of land use-change for perennial energy crops on water, carbon and nitrogen cycling
Thomas, A.R.C., Bond, A.J. and Hiscock, K.M. 2012
An Optimization Model for Energy Crop Supply
Wang S.F., Hastings A. and Smith P. 2012
Technology and Policy Assessment
Journal Article
The cost of offshore wind: Understanding the past and projecting the future
Heptonstall, P; Gross, R; Greenacre, P; and Cockerill, T 2012
Shaping the global oil peak: a review of the evidence on field sizes, reserve growth, decline rates and depletion rates
Sorrell, S, Speirs, J, Bentley, R, Miller, R and Thompson, E 2012
UKERC Working Paper