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Results - Annual Publications List for 2011

63 publications found

Crosscutting Projects


Energy 2050: Making the Transition to a Secure Low Carbon Energy System

subsectionSkea J, Ekins P and Winskel M 2011

Book Chapter

A Change of Scale? Prospects for Distributed Energy Resources

subsectionHawkes, A, Bergman, N, Jardine, C, Staffell,I, Brett, D, and Brandon, N 2011

Not Just Climate Change: Other Social and Environmental Perspectives

subsectionHoward, D, Jay, B, Whitaker, J, Talbot, J, Hughes,N and Winskel, M 2011

Energy Futures: The Challenges of Decarbonization and Security of Supply

subsectionSkea, J, Anandarajah, G, Chaudry, M, Shakoor, A, Strachan, N, Wang, X and Whitaker, J 2011

UK Energy in an Era of Globalization: Trends, Technologies and Environmental Impacts

subsectionSkea, J, Wang, X., and Winskel, M 2011

Accelerating the Development of Energy Supply Technologies: The Role of Research and Innovation

subsectionWinskel, M, Anandarajah, G, Skea, J and Jay, B 2011

Journal Article

The hesitant emergence of low carbon technologies in the UK: the micro-CHP innovation system

subsectionHudson, Winskel and Allen 2011

Energy Demand (Demand Reduction)

Book Chapter

The Role of Institutions, Governance and Planning for Mitigation and Adaptation by Cities

subsectionBulkeley, H., H. Schroeder, K. B. Janda, et al. 2011

Journal Article

What role for micro-generation in a shift to a low carbon domestic energy sector in the UK?

subsectionBergman, N. and N. Eyre 2011

Behaviour change in the UK climate debate: an assessment of responsibility, agency and political dimensions external website

subsectionFudge S. and Peters M. 2011

Paradigms, policy and governance: the politics of energy regulation in the UK post-2000

subsectionFudge S., Peters M., Mulugetta Y. and Jackson T 2011

Buildings don't use energy: people do

subsectionJanda, K. 2011

Buildings Don't Use Energy: People Do external website

subsectionJanda, K. B. 2011

Alternative Travel Futures: Guest editorial and introduction to special issue

subsectionPangbourne, K. and Anable, J. 2011

Personal Carbon Trading: A Radical Policy Option for Reducing Emissions from the Domestic Sector

subsectionParag, Y. and Strickland, D. 2011

Scientific Research about Climate Change Mitigation in Transport: A critical review

subsectionSchwanen, T., Banister, D. and Anable, J. 2011

Policy Attribute Framing: A Comparison between Three Policy Instruments for Personal Emissions Reduction

subsectionYael, P, Capstick, S, and Poortinga, W 2011

UKERC Working Paper

Energy 2050 - WG1 Energy Demand : Lifestyle and Energy Consumption - working paper

subsectionAnable, J., Brand, C., Eyre, N., Layberry, R., Bergman, N., Strachan, N., Fawcett, T., and Tran, M. 2011 document type

Workshop Report

Future Research Requirements for Smart Metering Workshop

subsectionUKERC 2011 document type

Energy Supply (Energy Infrastructure and Supply)

Book Chapter

Social and psychological drivers of energy consumption behaviour and energy transitions

subsectionWhitmarsh, L. 2011

Journal Article

Nuclear power after Japan: the social dimensions

subsectionButler, C. Parkhill, K. Pidgeon, N 2011

Nuclear Power, climate change and energy security: Exploring British public attitudes

subsectionCorner, A., Spence, A., Poortinga, W., Demski, C., and Pidgeon, N. 2011

Bringing appraisal theory to environmental risk perception: A review of conceptual approaches and suggestions for future research

subsectionKeller, C., Bostrom, A., Kuttschreuter, M, Savadori, L., Spence, A. and White, M. 2011

The role of social and decision sciences in communicating uncertain climate risks

subsectionPidgeon, N. and Fischhoff, B 2011

Special Collection on Nanotechnologies Risk Perception and Communication

subsectionPidgeon, N.F., Harthorn, B. and Satterfield, T. 2011

Uncertain climate: An investigation into public scepticism about anthropogenic climate change

subsectionPoortinga, W., Spence, A., Whitmarsh, L., Capstick, S. and Pidgeon, N. 2011

Public Engagement with Carbon and Climate Change: To what extent is the public carbon capable?

subsectionR Whitmarsh, L., Seyfang, G. and ONeill, S 2011

The psychological distance of climate change

subsectionSpence, A., Poortinga, W. and Pidgeon, N 2011

Perceptions of climate change and willingness to save energy related to flood experiences

subsectionSpence, A., Poortinga, W., Butler C. and Pidgeon, N 2011

Scepticism and uncertainty about climate change: dimensions, determinants and change over time

subsectionWhitmarsh, L. 2011

Climate change or social change? Debate within, amongst, and beyond disciplines

subsectionWhitmarsh, L., ONeill, S. and Lorenzoni, I. 2011

Workshop Report

Public Risk Perceptions, Understandings, and Responses to Climate Change in Australia and Great Britain: Interim Report

subsectionReser, J. P., Pidgeon, N., Spence, A., Bradley, G. A., Glendon, I. and Ellul, M. 2011

Energy Systems (Energy Systems and Modelling)

Book Chapter

Pathways to a low carbon economy

subsectionAnandarajah G., Ekins P., and Strachan. N 2011

System Innovation for Environmental Sustainability: Concepts, Policies and Political Economy

subsectionEkins, P. 2011

Putting it all together: Implications for policy and action

subsectionEkins, P., Winskel, M., and Skea. J. 2011

UK Energy Policy and Institutions

subsectionEkins, P., Skea, J. and Winskel, M. 2011

The way we live from now on: Lifestyle and energy consumption

subsectionEyre N., Anable J., Brand C., Layberry R., and Strachan, N. 2011

A resilient energy system

subsectionSkea, J., Chaudry, M., Ekins, P., Kannan, R., Shakoor, A. and Wang, X. 2011


subsectionSkea, J., Ekins. P., and Winskel, M. 2011

UK energy in an uncertain world

subsectionStrachan N. and J. Skea 2011

Journal Article

A Major Environmental Tax Reform for the UK: Results for the Economy, Employment and the Environment

subsectionEkins, P., Summerton, P., Thoung, C., and Lee, D. 2011

Towards a Low-Carbon Economy: Scenarios and Policies for the UK

subsectionEkins. P., Anandarajah G., Strachan. N. 2011

The development and application of a temporal MARKAL energy system model using flexible time slicing

subsectionKannan, R. 2011

Business As Unusual: Existing Policies in Energy Model Baselines

subsectionStrachan, N. 2011

UKERC Research Report

Building a Resilient UK Energy System - Research Report

subsectionChaudry, M., Ekins, P., Kannan, R., Shakoor, A., Skea, J., Strbac, G., Wang, X. and Whitaker, J. 2011 document type

Energy and Environment (Environmental Sustainability)

Consultation Response

UK Energy Research Centre Response to the Energy and Climate Change Committee Consultation on Consumption-based Emission Reporting. external website

subsectionBarrett, J., C. Le Qur, M. Lenzen, G. Peters, K. Roelich, and T. Wiedmann 2011

Journal Article

Counting the cost of carbon in bioenergy systems: sources of variation and hidden pitfalls when comparing life cycle assessments

subsectionRowe R., Whitaker J., Freer-Smith P.H., Chapman J., Ryder S., Ludley K.E., Howard D.C. and Taylor G. 2011

A Greenhouse Footprint Analysis of UK Central Government (1990 to 2008)

subsectionWiedmann T. and Barrett, J. 2011

Application of Hybrid Life Cycle Approaches to Emerging Energy Technologies The Case of Wind Power in the UK

subsectionWiedmann TO, Suh S, Feng K, Lenzen M, Acquaye A, Scott K, Barrett JR. 2011

Policy Briefing Paper

Carbon Emission Accounting Balancing the books for the UK

subsectionMorgan, N. 2011 document type

Technology and Policy Assessment

Journal Article

Materials availability for thin film (TF) PV technologies development: a real concern ?

subsectionCandelise, C., Speirs, J., and Gross, R 2011

Missing carbon reductions ? Exploring rebound and backfire effects in UK households

subsectionDruckman, A. M.Chitnis, S.Sorrell and T. Jackson 2011

Estimating bio-energy resource potentials to 2050: learning from experience

subsectionSlade, R.; Gross, R; and Bauen, B 2011

Winds of change: How high wind penetrations will affect investment incentives in the GB electricity sector

subsectionSteggals, W; Gross, R; Heptonstall, P 2011

UKERC Research Report

Energy from biomass: the size of the global resource

subsectionSlade, R., Saunders, R., Gross, R. and Bauen, A. 2011 document type

UKERC Working Paper

Carbon Capture and Storage: Realising the Potential? Work Package 3, Task 5 Working Paper Version 2.1

subsectionHeptonstall, P., Gross, R. and Jones, F. 2011 document type

No Research Area applies

Consultation Response

Response to the 2011 HM Treasury Carbon Floor Price Consultation

subsectionHardy. J. 2011 document type

Memorandum on Public Attitudes and Nuclear Power submitted to the House of Lords - Science and Technology Committee Inquiry on Nuclear R&D Capabilities

subsectionPidgeon. N. 2011 document type

UKERC response to the Department of Energy and Climate Change consultation - Electricity Market Reform

subsectionSkea, J., Hardy, J., Gross, R., Mitchell, C., Baker, P. and Eyre, N. 2011 document type

Research Landscape

UKERC Energy Research Landscape: Energy Systems Modelling

subsectionStrachan, N. 2011 document type

Workshop Report

Electricity Market Reform: Independent Experts Workshop

subsectionUKERC 2011 document type

Electricity Market Reform: Stakeholders Workshop

subsectionUKERC 2011 document type

Electricity Market Reform Workshop III: Institutional Arrangements

subsectionUKERC and the Imperial College London Centre for Energy Policy and Technology 2011 document type