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Zero-In on NI-Heat: Pathways to Heat Decarbonisation in Northern Ireland

Citation Vorushylo, I., Ogunrin, S., Ghosh, R., Brandoni, C. and Hewitt, N.J. Zero-In on NI-Heat: Pathways to Heat Decarbonisation in Northern Ireland. UKERC. 2020. (none).
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Author(s) Vorushylo, I., Ogunrin, S., Ghosh, R., Brandoni, C. and Hewitt, N.J.
Publisher UKERC
Download Final_Report_UU_Zero_in_on_NI_heat-2.pdf document type
UKERC Report Number n/a
DOI (none)
Abstract The Zero-In on NI-Heat project is a multidisciplinary, women-led project that investigates opportunities and barriers on the road towards zero emission targets in heat sector. Zero-In on NI Heat has a focus on the indigenous features of Northern Ireland (NI). This NI-specific study was carried out because of the unique geographical position of NI, prevalence of oil heating (68 % of domestic sector), high rates of fuel poverty (22%), its abundant renewable energy resources (46.8 % contribution to power sector1), and exclusion of NI from the majority of UK wide studies in relation to the subject area. The past political stalemate caused in part by an inefficient Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) highlights the utmost importance of research in relation to decarbonisation of the NI heat sector. Ulster University (UU) has been the lead partner on this project with a

Steering Committee consisting of female representatives from key organisations in the NI heat sector, including the Department for the Economy, the Utility Regulator, a local renewable industry group (NIRIG), the transmission and distribution system operators (NI Electricity Networks and SONI), an energy charity (NEA Northern Ireland), the Consumer Council and a public affairs consultancy (Stratagem).