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Developing a bioenergy roadmap for the UK

Citation Keay-Bright, S. and Taylor, G. Developing a bioenergy roadmap for the UK. UKERC. 2007.
Author(s) Keay-Bright, S. and Taylor, G.
Publisher UKERC
Download Developing_a_Bioenergy_Roadmap_for_the_UK_Meeting_Report.pdf document type
Pages 28
UKERC Report Number UKERC/MR/MP/2007/014

The aims of this the workshop were:

  • To prioritise research activity and overcome the gaps in knowledge in bioenergy
  • To influence research funding strategies in energy research.
  • To encourage closer collaboration between academic research groups and technology developers
  • To seek funding for collaborative research from Research Councils, DTI, DEFRA, Carbon Trust EU, etc.
  • To establish partnerships with the outside the existing bioenergy research community
  • Create the Research Roadmap for bioenergy to 2020 and 2050.