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Carbon Capture and Storage: Realising the Potential? Work Package 3, Task 5 Working Paper Version 2.1

Citation Heptonstall, P., Gross, R. and Jones, F. Carbon Capture and Storage: Realising the Potential? Work Package 3, Task 5 Working Paper Version 2.1. UKERC. 2011.
Author(s) Heptonstall, P., Gross, R. and Jones, F.
Publisher UKERC
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UKERC Report Number UKERC/WP/TPA/2011/003

This paper is an output from the UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC) Research Fund project Carbon Capture and Storage: Realising the potential? (UKERC 2011). The project, led by the University of Sussex is undertaking an inter-disciplinary assessment of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) viability from now to 2030 involving a partnership from the Universities of Sussex, Edinburgh and Imperial College London (Markusson et al. 2011). The overall aims and objectives include helping policy makers understand the conditions for successful commercialisation of CCS and to contributing methodologies to inform policy decisions on whether CCS is proven.This paper is an output from the UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC) Research Fund project Carbon Capture and Storage: Realising the potential? (UKERC 2011). The project, led by the University of Sussex is undertaking an inter-disciplinary assessment of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) viability from now to 2030 involving a partnership from the Universities of Sussex, Edinburgh and Imperial College London (Markusson et al. 2011). The overall aims and objectives include helping policy makers understand the conditions for successful commercialisation of CCS and to contributing methodologies to inform policy decisions on whether CCS is proven.