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Environmental Sustainability of Electricity Generation Systems with Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage

Citation Holloway, S. and Rowley, W.J. Environmental Sustainability of Electricity Generation Systems with Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage. UKERC. 2008.
Author(s) Holloway, S. and Rowley, W.J.
Publisher UKERC
Download Environmental_Sustainability_of_Electricity_Generation_Systems_with_Carbon_Dioxide_Capture_and_Storage.pdf document type
UKERC Report Number UKERC/WP/ES/2008/002

This working paper analyses the environmental sustainability of four electricity production systems that include carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS):

  • Pulverised coal (PC)
  • Pulverised coal with oxyfuel combustion (PCOC)
  • Natural gas combined cycle (NGCC), and
  • Integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC)

The analysis is based largely on a review of relevant Life Cycle Assessments (LCAs). Thus it considers the environmental sustainability of the entire electricity generation chain from fuel extraction through electricity generation and CO2capture to CO2 storage.