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Financing Community Energy Case Studies: Gwent Energy CIC

Citation Cairns, I., Hannon, M., Braunholtz-Speight, Tim., Hardy, J., Mclachan, C., Mander, S., Manderson, E., Sharmina, M. Financing Community Energy Case Studies: Gwent Energy CIC. UKERC. 2020. https://doi.org/10.17868/69789.
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Author(s) Cairns, I., Hannon, M., Braunholtz-Speight, Tim., Hardy, J., Mclachan, C., Mander, S., Manderson, E., Sharmina, M.
Publisher UKERC
Download UoS_Case_study-Gwent_Energy.pdf document type
UKERC Report Number n/a
DOI https://doi.org/10.17868/69789

Commencing in 2016, the Financing Community Energy project provides a comprehensive quantitative and qualitative analysis of the role of finance in the evolution of the UK community energy sector. This report presents the third of four case studies of UK community energy organisations, exploring how these organisations have sought to finance their projects against a backdrop of diminishing government support for grassroots sustainable development.

Gwent Energy (Wales) was formed in 2009 to deliver environmental benefit and cost savings to its local community. It aims to help local consumers save money on their energy bills through a combination of renewable energy, efficiency, storage and electric vehicle charging interventions, whilst simultaneously generating a surplus to fund local community initiatives.