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What We Know about Local Authority Engagement in UK Energy Systems - Ambitions, Activities, Business Structures & Ways Forward

Citation Webb, J., Tingey, M. and Hawkey, D. What We Know about Local Authority Engagement in UK Energy Systems - Ambitions, Activities, Business Structures & Ways Forward. UKERC. 2017.
Author(s) Webb, J., Tingey, M. and Hawkey, D.
Publisher UKERC
Download UKERC_ETI_Report_What_we_know_about_Local_Authority_engagement_in_UK_energy_systems.pdf document type
UKERC Report Number UKERC/ESMS/RR/2017/01

Social Scientists at the University of Edinburgh reveal that energy activities of UK local authorities focus on heat and energy efficiency for a low carbon, low energy building stock.

This research maps energy initiatives across all UK Local Authorities for the first time, revealing considerable regional and national variation in activity. The research also examines a sample of energy projects in depth from 40 local authorities and compares local authority engagement in Britain and Europe.

Local authority energy initiatives were found to be innovative and enterprising, with multiple objectives from income generation and carbon saving, to reducing fuel poverty. Developments are however hampered by austerity in public finances, lack of local powers over energy and policy uncertainty.