ESME v4.2 Results Charts
ETI 2018
A Systemic Model of Engineering Knowledge Management from the Energy Sector
Colechin, M. and Ragsdell, G. 2017
An ETI Perspective - Rethinking clean energy policy: from subsidies to standards
ETI 2017
ESME Data References Book
Local Authority Engagement in UK Energy Systems: Highlights from Early Findings
Tingey, M., Webb, J. and Hawkey, D. 2017
Managing projects, managing knowledge
Colechin, M. 2017
The EU referendum: Implications for UK Energy Policy - What We Know about Local Authority Engagement in UK Energy Systems
Webb, J., Tingey, M. and Hawkey, D. 2017
A pocket guide to ETI
ETI 2016
An ETI Perspective - Can you base a UK transition to low carbon on solar PV ?
Cross Cutting Projects: ESME v4.3 Results Charts
ESME v4.3 Dataset
Energy system modelling in an uncertain world
Thirkill, A. 2016
Energy system modelling of the UK energy policy reset - a multi-sector analysis
Heaton, C and Milne, S. 2016
Governing cities for sustainable energy: The UK case
Webb, J., Hawkey, D. and Tingey, M. 2016
Learnings from a Public-Private Partnership in the UK: Energy Systems - an Integrated Effort
Coleman, J. 2016
On track or too little too late: how can we accelerate the low carbon transition?
Strategic Analysis Capability
Transitioning the UK energy system to low carbon
Knight. R. 2016
UK Energy Ststems Model (ESME): Clockwork and Patchwork Results Charts
What happens to energy beyond the meter?
Haslett, A. 2016
Where now for the UK energy system? Progressing towards a low carbon future ? some thoughts to provoke a debate
Clarke, D. 2016
Written submission to the House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee inquiry into the “Economics of UK Energy Policy”
Accelerating low carbon energy innovation in the UK - A conceptual model of the UK low carbon energy innovation system
Colechin, M., Warwick, K. and Titley, B. 2015
An ETI Perspective - Targets, Technologies, Infrastructure and Investments: Preparing the UK for the Energy Transition
Coleman, J. and Haslett, A. 2015
European Engagement with Local Energy Systems
Hawkey, D. 2015
Infographic - 10 Years to Prepare for a Low Carbon Transition
ETI 2015
Infographic - Accelerating Low Carbon energy innovation in the UK
Options, Choices, Actions: UK scenarios for a low carbon energy system transition
Understanding the UK low carbon energy innovation system - a working paper
Titley, B. and Warwick, K. 2015
ESME presentation for IEA 23rd April 2014 : Energy system modelling at ETI
Heaton, C. 2014
Future challenges for UK electricity storage
Morris, L. 2014
Modelling Low-Carbon Energy System Designs with the ETI ESME Model
Infographic - CCS/Bioenergy Insights
ETI 2011
UK Energy System Model (ESME): Functional Definition
Ede, S. 2009
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