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Ecosystem Land-Use Modelling & Soil C Flux Trial (ELUM) - Complete Meta-Analysis Database

Citation Harris, Z.M. and Taylor, G. Ecosystem Land-Use Modelling & Soil C Flux Trial (ELUM) - Complete Meta-Analysis Database, ETI, 2013. https://doi.org/10.5286/UKERC.EDC.000046.
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Author(s) Harris, Z.M. and Taylor, G.
Project partner(s) NERC Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, University of Southampton
Publisher ETI
DOI https://doi.org/10.5286/UKERC.EDC.000046
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Abstract This deliverable accompanies the completed Work Package 1 meta-analysis database which reviews all of the Total Soil Carbon (TSC), Greenhouse Gas (GHG) and Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) data evaluated from the selected literature sources arising in the literature review. The meta-analysis used the parameters and the methodology described in earlier deliverables - D1.3 and D1.2 respectively. The meta-analysis conducted quantifies the effects of land-use change to bioenergy but results need to be interpreted with caution, primarily due to limited primary data sources and the necessity to use modelled and boot-strapped data
Associated Project(s) ETI-BI1001: Ecosystem Land-use Modelling (ELUM) & Soil Carbon Flux Field Trial
Associated Dataset(s)

Ecosystem Land Use Modelling and Soil Carbon Flux Trial (ELUM)

Associated Publication(s)

Ecosystem Land-Use Modelling & Soil Carbon Flux Trial (ELUM) - Project Executive Summary

Ecosystem Land Use Modelling & Soil C Flux Trial (ELUM) - Chronosequence methodology approaches in literature, including specific recommendations for sampling for ELUM

Ecosystem Land Use Modelling & Soil C Flux Trial (ELUM) - Report on the Findings of Effects on Land-Use Change (LUC) into Bioenergy Crops

Ecosystem Land-Use Modelling & Soil C Flux Trial (ELUM) - Updated Meta-analysis Database & Report for 2012/2013

Ecosystem Land Use Modelling and Soil C Flux Trial (ELUM) - A Review of Existing Models, Toolkits and Resources Available to Assess the Effects of Land Use Change Into Bioenergy Crops From Specified Transitions

Ecosystem Land Use Modelling and Soil C Flux Trial (ELUM) - Land-use Change and the Bioenergy Crop Management Model Report.

Ecosystem Land Use Modelling and Soil C Flux Trial (ELUM) - Report on the Effects of Land-Use Change (LUC) into Bioenergy Crops from Specified Transitions

Ecosystem Land Use Modelling and Soil C Flux Trial (ELUM) - Review of the Effects of Bioenergy Crops on Ecosystem Service in the UK Context

ETI Insights Report - Delivering greenhouse gas emission savings through UK bioenergy value chains

Making efficient use of bioenergy feedstocks for cleaner, greener energy

Request for proposals for the ELUM project (Ecosystem Land-Use Modelling and Soil Carbon GHG Flux Field Trial)