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Power Plant Siting Study - Project Summary Report

Citation Atkins Power Plant Siting Study - Project Summary Report, ETI, 2015. https://doi.org/10.5286/UKERC.EDC.000307.
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Author(s) Atkins
Project partner(s) Atkins Limited, Health and Safety Laboratory, Cambridge University Technical Services Limited
Publisher ETI
DOI https://doi.org/10.5286/UKERC.EDC.000307
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Abstract The aim of the Power Plant Siting Study project is to explore the different opportunities and constraints involved in developing sites in England and Wales for new low carbon power plants. The study will considers new nuclear as well as fossil fueled power stations using carbon capture and storage technologies. The study is important to understand the different features which could either make a potential site suitable or, alternatively, prevent its viability. This study is intended to inform whether there is likely to be competition for development sites between low carbon technologies, which could be a future constraint in the low carbon replacement of the UK’s ageing power plants. It will help inform the ETI’s technology strategy development work, which is looking at how to accelerate the development of new energy technologies for a UK transition to a low carbon economy.

The project explored siting criteria and siting constraints against the nuclear expansion scenarios. It also identified and considered opportunities to enable the inclusion of additional sites should the expansion scenarios be constrained. There were seven objectives of the project which were addressed through the baseline assessment of a long list of sites (which considered their suitability for twin 1,650 MWe units with direct cooling), a set of six sensitivity analyses and two other studies. This deliverable provides a summary of the key project findings
Associated Project(s) ETI-ST2032: Power Plant Siting Study
Associated Dataset(s) No associated datasets
Associated Publication(s)

Power Plant Siting Study - Project presentation

Power Plant Siting Study - Request for Proposal