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Network Lifecycle Costing PPA - Flexible Opex for an Uncertain Future - Final Report

Citation PPA Energy Network Lifecycle Costing PPA - Flexible Opex for an Uncertain Future - Final Report, ETI, 2014. https://doi.org/10.5286/UKERC.EDC.000689.
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Author(s) PPA Energy
Project partner(s) PPA Energy
Publisher ETI
DOI https://doi.org/10.5286/UKERC.EDC.000689
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Abstract The Energy Technologies Institute (ETI) has engaged PPA Energy to provide consultancy support to gain insight into the operational expenditure (opex) of energy networks, including four energy vectors; electricity, gas, heat and hydrogen. This project builds on a previous project undertaken by PPA Energy, ‘Opex Framework for Energy Infrastructure’, in which an understanding of the opex costs associated with the energy infrastructure was developed. The intention of this project is to understand and document the factors which affect, or may affect, the opex costs of an energy network, and to investigate how these might be modelled. Specifically, this project concentrates on the components of network opex that are directly related to the network assets themselves, knownwithin this report as ‘Network Related Opex’, which includes direct opex, closely associated indirect opex, and the components of pass through opex that are considered to be related to the network assets themselves, but does not include depreciation or business support costs
Associated Project(s) ETI-EN2018: Network Lifecycle Costing
Associated Dataset(s) No associated datasets
Associated Publication(s)