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2050 Energy Infrastructure Outlook Multi Vector Integration Analysis - Barriers to Multi Vector Energy Supply

Citation Walker, I. and Staw, T. 2050 Energy Infrastructure Outlook Multi Vector Integration Analysis - Barriers to Multi Vector Energy Supply, ETI, 2017. https://doi.org/10.5286/UKERC.EDC.000673.
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Author(s) Walker, I. and Staw, T.
Project partner(s) Element Energy
Publisher ETI
DOI https://doi.org/10.5286/UKERC.EDC.000673
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Abstract This project aims to improve the understanding of the opportunity for and implications of moving to more integrated multi vector energy networks in the future. Future energy systems could use infrastructure very differently to how they are employed today. Several individual energy vectors - electricity, gas and hydrogen - are capable of delivering multiple services and there are other services that can be met or delivered by more than one vector or network

This Deliverable is the report summarising the work completed in Work Package 5 and provides the following:
  1. A summary of economic modelling findings
  2. Identification of key technical, commercial and regulatory barriers across Case Studies
  3. Classification of the barriers identified, based on:
    • Impact – the scale of potential system benefit of multi vector operation
    • Risk – the extent to which these barriers are surmountable
  4. Discusses the innovations that might mitigate these barriers, comprising the necessary technical capabilities, and the required regulatory and commercial frameworks.
  5. Assesses the additional work for multi vector operation to achieve commercialisation at scale, comprising:
    • Investment
    • Timescales and necessary uptake rates
    • Skills gaps, required operational transformation and strategic considerations
Associated Project(s) ETI-EN2017: 2050 Energy Infrastructure Outlook Multi Vector Integration Analysis
Associated Dataset(s) No associated datasets
Associated Publication(s)

2050 Energy Infrastructure Outlook Multi Vector Integration Analysis - Multi Vector Integration Study (Assessment of Local Cases)

2050 Energy Infrastructure Outlook Multi Vector Integration Analysis - Summary report

2050 Energy Infrastructure Outlook: Multi Vector Integration Analysis - Multi Vector Interaction Cases Shortlist

2050 Energy Infrastructure Outlook: Multi Vector Integration Analysis - Multi Vector Interactions Report - Report on multi-vector interactions and priority interactions shortlist

2050 Energy Infrastructure Outlook: Multi Vector Integration Analysis - Request for Proposals