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Biomass Value Chain Modelling - Opportunity Identification and Roadmapping Report - Executive Summary

Citation ETI Biomass Value Chain Modelling - Opportunity Identification and Roadmapping Report - Executive Summary, ETI, 2013. https://doi.org/10.5286/UKERC.EDC.000026.
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Author(s) ETI
Project partner(s) ETI
Publisher ETI
DOI https://doi.org/10.5286/UKERC.EDC.000026
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Abstract This document presents technology opportunities and bioenergy roadmapping, based on the case study analysis carried out with the Biomass Value Chain Model (BVCM). The main objective of this report is to identify the opportunities for the development and deployment of promising technologies based on the output of the optimisation runs of the Biomass Value Chain Model (BVCM). It contains the basis for the initial model development.

The development of the BVCM model has been ongoing since the project first started in 2011. The documents published here relate to the intial phases of model development. They do not included later developments and are therefore not representative of the current BVCM model, or in some cases, its findings. For a more recent overview of BVCM and the findings derived from it, readers are encouraged to look at the insights and reportspublished by the ETI.
Associated Project(s) ETI-BI2002: Biomass Systems Value Chain Model (BVCM)
Associated Dataset(s)

Techno-Economic Assessment of Biomass Pre-Processing (TEAB)

Associated Publication(s)

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