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ETI’s Bioenergy Programme - Domestic Resources

Citation Evans, H. ETI’s Bioenergy Programme - Domestic Resources, ETI, 2017. https://doi.org/10.5286/UKERC.EDC.000455.
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Author(s) Evans, H.
Project partner(s) ETI
Publisher ETI
DOI https://doi.org/10.5286/UKERC.EDC.000455
Download Hannah-Evans-RAE-Round-table.pdf document type
Abstract ETI’s Strategy Manager Hannah Evans presents “ETI’s Bioenergy Programme - Domestic Resources” at a Biomass UK roundtable at the Renewable Energy Association (slide set)
Associated Project(s) ETI-BI2002: Biomass Systems Value Chain Model (BVCM)
Associated Dataset(s)

Techno-Economic Assessment of Biomass Pre-Processing (TEAB)

Associated Publication(s)

An ETI Perspective - Bioenergy crops in the UK. Case Studies of successful whole farm integration

Biomass Value Chain Modelling - Benefit Assessment Report

Biomass Value Chain Modelling - Benefit Assessment Report - Executive Summary

Biomass Value Chain Modelling - Integrated Case Study Report - update report

Biomass Value Chain Modelling - Model Formulation Report

Biomass Value Chain Modelling - Opportunity Identification and Roadmapping

Biomass Value Chain Modelling - Opportunity Identification and Roadmapping Report - Executive Summary

Biomass Value Chain Modelling - Report on Tools and Data

Biomass Value Chain Modelling - Technology Landscaping Report

Biomass Value Chain Modelling - Technology Modelling Report

Bridging the gap between technological innovation and market demand

Driving the renewables industry with new technology developments and investment in Research and Development

ETI Insights Report - Delivering greenhouse gas emission savings through UK bioenergy value chains

Making efficient use of bioenergy feedstocks for cleaner, greener energy

The role of bioenergy in meeting 2050 emissions targets