An ETI Perspective - Evaluation of the NET Power low carbon power process
ETI An ETI Perspective - Evaluation of the NET Power low carbon power process, ETI, 2017. Cite this using DataCite
NET Power technology has the potential to be a gamechanger.
Modelling analysis confirms that NET Power’s supercritical CO2 power cycle has the potential to deliver carbon capture at efficiencies higher than conventional amine solutions.
Some unpublished innovations which NET Power are protecting as trade secrets are needed to make the technology as cost efficient as an unabated CCGT, which is still improving rapidly.
The technology is immature and has multiple development hurdles to overcome and therefore it is likely to take several years before it is commercially available at scale. It is therefore likely to be best suited for deployment once other elements of CCS have been de-risked (i.e. transport and storage) rather than in a First of a Kind full scale development.
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