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MMV - Measurement, Monitoring & Verification of CO2 Storage: UK Requirements: Final Report - Vol 1

Citation Jones, D.G., Chadwick, R.A., Pearce, J.M., Vincent, C.J., Hannis, S., Long, D., Rowley, W.J., Holloway, S., Bentham, M.S., Kingdon, A., Arts, R., Neele, F., Nepveu, M., Vandeweijer, V., Metcalfe, R., Bond, A.E. and Robinson P.C. MMV - Measurement, Monitoring & Verification of CO2 Storage: UK Requirements: Final Report - Vol 1, ETI, 2010. https://doi.org/10.5286/UKERC.EDC.000111.
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Author(s) Jones, D.G., Chadwick, R.A., Pearce, J.M., Vincent, C.J., Hannis, S., Long, D., Rowley, W.J., Holloway, S., Bentham, M.S., Kingdon, A., Arts, R., Neele, F., Nepveu, M., Vandeweijer, V., Metcalfe, R., Bond, A.E. and Robinson P.C.
Project partner(s) British Geological Survey, TNO Built Environment and Geosciences, Quintessa Ltd
Publisher ETI
DOI https://doi.org/10.5286/UKERC.EDC.000111
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Abstract This report was prepared for a study commissioned by the Energy Technologies Institute on: Measurement, Monitoring and Verification (MMV) of CO2 storage: UK requirements. The project was led by the British Geological Survey (BGS) and involved the Nederlandse Organisatie voor Toegepast-Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek (TNO) and Quintessa Limited. The report consists of two volumes. Chapters 1 to 9 form the first volume, whilst Chapter 10, a review of existing technologies, is presented in Volume 2. The main aim of the study was to identify priority technologies and methodologies which ETI could consider funding to enable effective MMV programmes to be implemented in the UK. A secondary objective was to improve understanding of MMV strategies relevant to UK offshore storage. The approach taken was to review existing monitoring methods and examine potential developments. This was done in the light of developing legislation and in the context of the range of offshore storage options available for the UK
Associated Project(s) ETI-CC1004: Measurement, Monitoring and Verification of CO2 Storage (MMV)
Associated Dataset(s) No associated datasets
Associated Publication(s)

MMV - Measurement, Monitoring & Verification of CO2 Storage: UK Requirements Study - Executive Summary

MMV - Measurement, Monitoring & Verification of CO2 Storage: UK Requirements Study - One Page Summary

MMV - Measurement, Monitoring & Verification of CO2 Storage: UK Requirements Study - Request for Proposal