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CCS Next Generation Capture Technologies: Benchmarking and Performance Analysis - One Page Summary

Citation ETI CCS Next Generation Capture Technologies: Benchmarking and Performance Analysis - One Page Summary, ETI, 2010. https://doi.org/10.5286/UKERC.EDC.000270.
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Author(s) ETI
Project partner(s) ETI
Publisher ETI
DOI https://doi.org/10.5286/UKERC.EDC.000270
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Abstract Deployment of CCS could provide up to 20% of the emission reduction required to stabilise atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases over the next 50 years. The reduction in harmful emissions could be greater than any other single energy technology, including nuclear and renewables. A key driver for CCS is cost of capture of CO2. The vision for the ETI’s CCS Next Generation Capture Technologies focus area is that the ETI will have supported the development of a transformational capture technology to a stage where it is ready for incorporation into a full scale demonstration or first of a kind (FOAK) build by 2015, enabling such a plant to be complete and operational by 2020. To support selection of the most appropriate technology, the ETI commissioned a series of projects under its Flexible Research Programme to produce outline designs and technoeconomic assessmentsof power generation plant with different capture technologies
Associated Project(s) ETI-CC2001: Next Generation Capture Technology ? Benchmarking and Performance Analysis
Associated Dataset(s) No associated datasets
Associated Publication(s)

CCS Next Generation Capture Technologies: Benchmarking and Performance Analysis - Benchmarking and Performance Analysis of Future CO2 Capture Technologies ? Benchmarking Study

CCS Next Generation Capture Technologies: Benchmarking and Performance Analysis - Benchmarking and Performance Analysis of Future CO2 Capture Technologies ? Economic Model - - 2010

CCS Next Generation Capture Technologies: Benchmarking and Performance Analysis - Benchmarking and Performance Analysis of Future CO2 Capture Technologies ? Economic Model - 2009

CCS Next Generation Capture Technologies: Benchmarking and Performance Analysis - Executive Summary

Next Gen Capture Tech Benchmarking and Performance Analysis - Benchmarking and Performance Analysis of Next Generation CO2 Capture Technologies - Request for Proposal