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Thermal Power with CCS - Template Plant Specification

Citation SNC-Lavalin UK Limited Thermal Power with CCS - Template Plant Specification, ETI, 2016. https://doi.org/10.5286/UKERC.EDC.000884.
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Author(s) SNC-Lavalin UK Limited
Project partner(s) SNC-Lavalin, AECOM, University of Sheffield
Publisher ETI
DOI https://doi.org/10.5286/UKERC.EDC.000884
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Abstract The purpose of the Template Plant Specification is to:
  • Define the process scheme for the project.
  • Provide sufficient input to location selection (plant footprint, inflow connections, out flow connections, utility connections), modelling (plant basis), and estimating (scope definition, contracting basis).
  • Provide a convincing basis to a range of stakeholders.
The intention is to mimic, at a high level, an Enquiry Specification for an EPC Contract as this would provide a grounding for the work to be undertaken in WP3 (Cost Estimating). The plant basis in this document is of up to five largely independent trains, each comprising a latest generation (H/J class) combined cycle gas turbine, state of the art amine capture and compressor
Associated Project(s) ETI-CC1025: Thermal Power with CCS
Associated Dataset(s)

Thermal Power with CCS - OPEX Spreadsheet - NE England

Thermal Power with CCS - CAPEX Spreadsheet - Teeside

Thermal Power with CCS - Frontier Investment Support Cost Tool

Thermal Power with CCS - Frontier Whole Electricity System Cost Tool

Associated Publication(s)

Abated Gas Power - The Critical Contribution of CCS to the Future Power System

An ETI Perspective - An argument for CCS in the UK

Is CCS dead and if not how do we resuscitate it?

Thermal Power with CCS - A framework for assessing the value for money of electricity technologies

Thermal Power with CCS - Classification of Cost Estimate in Context of Global CCS White Paper “Toward a Common Method of Cost Estimation for CO2 Capture and Storage at Fossil Fuel Power Plants”

Thermal Power with CCS - D4.1 Plant Performance and Capital Cost Estimating

Thermal Power with CCS - D5.1 Plant Operating Cost Modelling

Thermal Power with CCS - Design Optimisations Technical Note

Thermal Power with CCS - Final Project Report

Thermal Power with CCS - Request for Proposals Thermal Power with CCS

Thermal Power with CCS - Technical Note: District Heat Networks