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Thermal Power with CCS - D4.1 Plant Performance and Capital Cost Estimating

Citation SNC-Lavalin UK Limited Thermal Power with CCS - D4.1 Plant Performance and Capital Cost Estimating, ETI, 2017. https://doi.org/10.5286/UKERC.EDC.000883.
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Author(s) SNC-Lavalin UK Limited
Project partner(s) SNC-Lavalin, AECOM, University of Sheffield
Publisher ETI
DOI https://doi.org/10.5286/UKERC.EDC.000883
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Abstract This report and its attachments provide detailed information on the design and performance of the “template” plant, which comprises up to 5 identical trains of CCGT with carbon capture and compression. It presents a capital cost estimate for the plant and associated CO2 transport and storage at sites in five regions around the UK (Teesside, North Humber, South Humber, North West England and Scotland (Grangemouth)). Cost estimates are provided for each site for 1, 2, 3 and (where feasible) 4 and 5 trains. Costs have been benchmarked against as-built plant and/or detailed EPC quotes where available.
Associated Project(s) ETI-CC1025: Thermal Power with CCS
Associated Dataset(s)

Thermal Power with CCS - OPEX Spreadsheet - NE England

Thermal Power with CCS - CAPEX Spreadsheet - Teeside

Thermal Power with CCS - Frontier Investment Support Cost Tool

Thermal Power with CCS - Frontier Whole Electricity System Cost Tool

Associated Publication(s)

Abated Gas Power - The Critical Contribution of CCS to the Future Power System

An ETI Perspective - An argument for CCS in the UK

Is CCS dead and if not how do we resuscitate it?

Thermal Power with CCS - A framework for assessing the value for money of electricity technologies

Thermal Power with CCS - Classification of Cost Estimate in Context of Global CCS White Paper “Toward a Common Method of Cost Estimation for CO2 Capture and Storage at Fossil Fuel Power Plants”

Thermal Power with CCS - D5.1 Plant Operating Cost Modelling

Thermal Power with CCS - Design Optimisations Technical Note

Thermal Power with CCS - Final Project Report

Thermal Power with CCS - Request for Proposals Thermal Power with CCS

Thermal Power with CCS - Technical Note: District Heat Networks

Thermal Power with CCS - Template Plant Specification