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Strategic UK CCS Storage Appraisal Project


Geological and reservoir engineering models for five potential CO2 storage sites around the UK. Five sites were selected from the UKs national CO2 storage database CO2Stored which was created by the UK Storage Appraisal Project (UKSAP). Outline storage development plans and budgets were prepared for each.
The project was funded by DECC, commissioned by the ETI and carried out by Pale Blue Dot Energy, Axis Well Technology and Costain.
The data are further described by read me files in each directory and by reports in the Reports directory.


Pale Blue Dot Energy, Axis Well Technology, Costain


Energy Technologies Institute


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No DOI minted

Citation (APA Style 7th Edition):

Pale Blue Dot Energy, Axis Well Technology, Costain (2015). Strategic UK CCS Storage Appraisal Project [Data set]. Energy Technologies Institute. https://ukerc8.dl.ac.uk/cgi-bin/dataDiscover.pl?Action=detail&dataid=ab0a25d4-9166-4b69-8111-3fa1d02698ee

Energy Category

Class Name:

Subclass Name:

Category Name:

Field Dates:

01/01/2015 - 30/04/2016

Data Date Range:

01/01/2015 - 30/04/2016

Data type:


Data format:

No format supplied



Number of Units:


Unit Type:

Storage sites

Number of Records:



Geological models in Petrel and Eclipse formats.


Open Access if terms and conditions accepted (ETI CCS SAP)

Rights Overview:

Use of these data indicates your acceptance of the terms and conditions of the Strategic UK CCS Storage Appraisal Project, funded by DECC - ETI Open Licence for Materials.
\r You must acknowledge the source of the data as indicated in the licence.

The Energy Data Centre works in collaboration with the CEDA Archive to provide this information