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UKERC response to the DECC consultation: Heat and Energy Saving Strategy

Citation Hardy, J. UKERC response to the DECC consultation: Heat and Energy Saving Strategy. 2009.
Author(s) Hardy, J.
Download UKERC_Response_to_the_DECC_Consultation-Heat_and_Energy_Saving_Strategy.pdf document type

The analysis in the UKERC Energy 2050 report broadly agrees with that presented in the Heat and Energy Saving Strategy. There is no correct way to achieve the carbon emission reductions from buildings but it is clear that both demand reduction and the electrification of heat technologies are key elements.

There is evidence that appropriate feedback of energy information to consumers does lead to better control of, and therefore, lower energy use this indicates a need for a rapid roll out of smart meters and a rapid end to estimated billing.

UKERC suggests that the potential for the economy in terms of long-term, sustainable job creation is seriously underplayed in this consultation exercise. The current economic crisis presents an opportunity for helping to shape the economic recovery through investment in improving the sustainability of heat supply, especially in buildings.