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Quantifying Energy Scenarios of a Low Carbon Society - The Annual Energy Modelling Conference (AEMC) of the UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC)

Citation Palmer, J., LaJoie, K. and Strachan, NS. Quantifying Energy Scenarios of a Low Carbon Society - The Annual Energy Modelling Conference (AEMC) of the UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC). UKERC. 2006.
Author(s) Palmer, J., LaJoie, K. and Strachan, NS.
Publisher UKERC
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Pages 4
UKERC Report Number TBC

The 2006 Annual Energy Modelling Conference (AEMC) of the UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC) was held in Oxford UK from 5-7 December 2006. The conference theme was Quantifying Scenarios of a Low Carbon Society. The conference structure consisted of an open symposium with UK energy policy stakeholders followed by a technical modelling workshop. A particular emphasis was on developing country participation. A key output of the workshop was to define comparative modelling runs which will be a direct research output to the UK-Japan research project Developing Visions for a LowCarbon Society (LCS) through Sustainable Development.

Open Symposium

  • Presentation and discussion of research regarding UK and international scenarios of low carbon societies (LCS) Closed expert workshop
  • Technical discussion of state-of-the-art energy modelling
  • Introduction to developing country energy modelling teams and capacities
  • Definition of collaborative modelling run: to agree a set of scenarios each with common inputs for comparable runs of the various models