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Developing a Bioenergy Roadmap for the UK

Citation Taylor, G. Developing a Bioenergy Roadmap for the UK. UKERC. 2007.
Author(s) Taylor, G.
Publisher UKERC
Download Developing_a_Bioenergy_Research_Roadmap_for_the_UK_working-paper.pdf document type
UKERC Report Number UKERC/WP/ESM/2007/017

This workshop brought together a wide range of individuals and organisation with an interest in bioenergy for heat, power and liquid transport. This included researchers from universities and research institutes, Government Research Councils, Government Departments, stakeholders from industry and others. The meeting was convened to begin the process of developing a UK Bioenergy Research Roadmap, which will be completed before the end of 2007.

The aims of the workshop were:

  • To prioritise research activity and overcome the gaps in knowledge in bioenergy
  • To influence research funding strategies in energy research.
  • To encourage closer collaboration between academic research groups and technology developers
  • To seek funding for collaborative research from Research Councils, DTI, DEFRA, Carbon Trust EU, etc.
  • To establish partnerships with the outside the existing bioenergy research community
  • Create the Research Roadmap for bioenergy to 2020 and 2050.

These aims were largely met. The first day was spent defining why a roadmap was needed and what our vision for the roadmap would be as follows:

In order to realise the substantial potential of bioenergy to help bring about the transition to a sustainable low-carbon economy, a roadmap is required to inform and guide research. The roadmap will enable the science community, and those who shape the direction of science, to identify gaps, prioritise funding and unlock the unique potential of the bio-based economy.

It was agreed that the UK context included climate change and sustainability drivers and not only energy security and in this respect, the focus of bioenergy roadmapping in the UK was differentto that in some other nations.