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Results - Technology Roadmap: Smart Grids (2011)

Author(s) IEA
Abstract This roadmap focuses on smart grids – the infrastructure that enables the delivery of power from generation sources to end-uses to be monitored and managed in real time. Smart grids are required to enable the use of a range of lowcarbon technologies, such as variable renewable resources and electric vehicles, and to address current concerns with the electricity system infrastructure, such as meeting peak demand with an ageing infrastructure. Unlike most other lowcarbon energy technologies, smart grids must be deployed in both existing systems (which in some cases are over 40 years old) as well as within totally new systems. Smart grid technologies must also be installed with minimum disruption to the daily operation of the electricity system. These challenges do not detract, however, from the opportunity to gain significant benefits from developing and deploying smart grids.
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Year 2011
Status Archived
Timescale 2011-2050
Geographic Coverage No Data Supplied
Funder IEA
Methods No Data Supplied
Stakeholder Academic researchers, industry and governments
Document Structure No Data Supplied
Rights Not recorded