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Storage and Flexibility Modelling: D1.3 Approach for modelling long term role of energy storage

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The primary objective of the Storage & Flexibility Modelling Project is to develop the capability toimprove understanding of the future role of energy storage and the provision of system flexibility within the context of the overall energy system. This aims to provide a techno-economic evaluation of energy storage across multiple energy vectors (electricity, heat, gas and hydrogen) accounting for the different services that could be provided (frequency response or avoiding wind curtailment) and at which points in energy system (transmission, distribution, building level) they are most appropriate.

Stage 1 of the project is comprised of 3 deliverables - of which this is the third :

  • D1.1 Energy storage mapping report - a first principles framework for mapping ;the system technical services and benefits that storage (heat, hydrogen, gas and;electricity) and competing flexibility options could provide.
  • D1.2 Assessment of the near term market potential for energy storage, over the next 5-10 years given the current market structures, with a particular focus on electricity 
  • D1.3 Approach for modelling long term role of energy storage (this report) - which defines the modelling approach to analysing the longer term role for storage and other relevant flexibility options in GB from a system operator perspective.
The report defines the approach for analysing the longer term role for storage. This includes a literature review of existing approaches and a proposal for a modelling approach for analysis in Stage 2. It covers:-
  • Design Requirements
  • Review of Literature
  • Overview of Modelling Framework
  • Modules
  • Data Requirements
  • Scenario Framework
  • Techinical and Data Architecture
  • Private Investment Perspective

Publication Year:





Humphry, L, and Greenleaf, J.



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File Size:

1908879 B


Energy Technologies Institute Open Licence for Materials

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United Kingdom

Publication Type:

Technical Report


Energy Storage and Distribution