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Modelling Storage and Flexibility within the Whole Energy System - Presentation

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Energy Systems Catapult’s Senior Analyst Dr. Alex Buckman presents ETI’s work on “Modelling Storage and Flexibility within the Whole Energy System” at the Renewable Energy Association, Energy Storage and Connected Systems 2018 Conference, London

  • Energy system balancing is critical and extends beyond the electricity system
  • Changes to the energy system are shifting the emphasis on how much and what type of flexibility measures are needed –future changes will only increase these shifts
  • There are opportunities to utilise a variety of flexibility measures to deliver system operability, including:
    • Energy storage–Gas and hydrogen fuelling peaking plant to help balance electricity supply
    • Heat storage in homes allowing the load on electricity networks to be reduced at peak times
    • Gas as peak support for heat pumps
    • Managed charging of plug-in vehicles
    • Interconnectors
  • The ETI’s Storage and Flexibility Model represents the role of storage and flexibility across multiple vectors, network levels, geographic regions and energy services through to 2050.

Publication Year:





Buckman, A.

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1758712 B


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United Kingdom

Publication Type:

Technical Report


Energy Storage and Distribution