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Value Management - Overcoming barriers to smarter heat solutions in UK homes - Annex 3e: Assumptions on current and future levels of insulation

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This project studied how value can be delivered across a smart energy value chain - in the context of the UK. It built a clear understanding of how smart energy systems can deliver combined consumer value alongside commercial value for market participants - producers, suppliers, distributors. The analysis will help to make the commercial deployment of smart energy systems more likely. This £600,000 project was delivered by Frontier Economics, a leading economic consultancy.

The final report has 11 annexes. This is Annex 3e: Assumptions on current and future levels of insulation

The assumptions regarding the cost and effect of insulation in the previous version of BMET were such that it was never worthwhile for consumers to take it up. Given this, the ETI decided to carryout a quantitative and qualitative analysis to understand better both:

  • the thermalefficiency of the existing housing stock; and
  • the potential for (and cost of) further improvements in thermal efficiency through insulation retrofits tailored to the BMET property archetypes.
As a result of this analysis, the assumptions within BMET have been updated, and are used for the analysis in the rest of this report.

This annexe summarisesthe new insulation assumptions and how they have been derived

This document was prepared at the time to contribute to ETI internal thinking and planning only it should be read in the context of the final reports of the Building Retrofit Project

Publication Year:





Frontier Economics



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378471 B


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United Kingdom

Publication Type:

Technical Report




Smart Systems and Heat