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High Hydrogen - Experimental results, detailed analysis, evaluation and recommendations

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The report contains details for the complete project. This project commenced in 2011 and has completed works at the end of 2016. There have been three previous sections to this project: a literature review, laboratory scale experiments and a circular duct phase; this last phase incorporated a scale heat recovery steam generating boiler.

The project has been shown to be able to simulate several of the relevant features of a full scale HRSG system using the current scaled test rig and to demonstrate the development of flame through the system and the generation of pressures, which are believed to be relevant to the understanding of how these will develop at full scale. The commissioning tests carried out have given confidence in the overall operation of the test rig in terms of achieving appropriate gas temperatures, injected fuel mixtures and equivalence ratios; exhaust/injected fuel mixing and HRSG purging times ahead of actual ignition. Detailed flow measurements at selected positions within the system have confirmed the uniformity of the flow in these regions and have provided background turbulence data for future flow and combustion modelling.

Publication Year:





Ewan, B.C.R., Moodie, K., Michels, H.J., Rattigan, W., Allen, J.T., Hawksworth, S., Christodolou, M.

Energy Category



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File Size:

3857085 B


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United Kingdom

Publication Type:

Technical Report




Carbon Capture and Storage