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ETI Insights Report - Targeting a 30% improvement in fuel efficiency for marine vessels

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This ETI Insights document summarises the findings of ETI’s Marine Heavy Duty Vehicles project. Key headlines are:

  • Shipping emits substantial amounts of CO2 which, without significant intervention, will rise as a proportion of our national emissions as we become less carbon dependent in other industry sectors
  • Ocean voyaging ships have the biggest impacts on CO2 emission due to the length and speed of their voyages and the current calculation method1 underplays the UK’s share of international shipping carbon emissions
  • li>There are economic advantages to emitting less carbon (and the economics of such are more cost-effective than some other carbon abatement opportunities in marine and other sectors)Using non-fossil fuels such as nuclear or high levels of biomass does not appear credible in the timeframe assessedIn the medium to long term (to 2050), the best potential to achieve substantial CO2 reduction is by fuel consumption reductionli>ETI modelling has shown that a 30% fleet fuel consumption reduction can be achieved using innovative technologies with an economic payback period of around two years and a fuel price of $720/Tonne
  • For the opportunity to materialise, fuel-saving technology demonstration is needed to give confidence to stakeholders and overcome market barriers

Publication Year:





Bradley, S.

Energy Category

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8400779 B


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United Kingdom

Publication Type:

Policy Briefing Paper




Transport - Heavy Duty Vehicles